The Wedding

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Jack: It's finally here. The best day of our lives. Mark is really nervous, but at least he isn't me who's hold on to his hand tightly. I surprised he isn't saying anything.

Mark: My hand is really hurting right now!

Jack: We wake up the folks who are sleeping in and the chaos begins. Felix, Ken, and their lovely ladies are here, family is here, and other friends said they were on their way. The girls are especially all over the place trying to fit dresses and putting on makeup while the guys all crack jokes about me! "Hey I call bull shite on this joke I didn't get that scared on the ride!" I puff my cheeks with irritation. Felix laughs and pats my back. "You should have seen your face then. We  were really high up so it must have been his fear kicking in." We all laugh and make snarky comments. I got taken away to put my tux on and went in a separate car from everyone else.

Mark: Once everyone was ready we all crammed in a bunch of cars. Jack is on his own since the bride myth is still in action. It was very stuffy, but we made it no problem. We all get in the cabin and I watch as they all sit in their seats. OK Mark don't chicken out. This is the day, the day you and Jack join even after death. They all get comfy when the music comes on. We had it traditional so it would look like a real wedding. The guys and girls all came down and they all looked great. We had Ethan and Tyler as the flower girls so that was a good laugh. And it cam time. The music changed signaling for everyone to stand up. I messed with my tie a little cause I'm fucking nervous! That's when he came out. He had his mother and father on both of his sides and they walked him down the aisle. I felt like crying but I didn't for the sake of not looking like a little bitch. He held his parents and joined me in front of everyone. 

                The preacher then spoke. "We are gathered here today for these two men, Sean William McLoughlin and Mark Edward Fischbach, for the joining of the two. But before we begin if anyone has anything to say then speak now or forever hold in silence." The room stayed quiet. Good. "Then we shall begin with the vows." Now's my time. "We shall start this with Mr. Fischbach." I close my eyes for a second to gain my shit together. "Sean, last year was the day we, for the first time, said I love you. That day was how our adventure began. We had great days, bad days, and even the ones in between. It was a lot of patience, communication, and most of all, trust in one another. I can say this with certainty though, I would never trade those days for anything. I love you and I want you and I to continue this journey and see where we end up, together."

Jack: After listening to his speech tears rolled down my eyes and he jolted a little. He wiped away my tears and giggled. "Not yet my little clover." I smile, and now it's my turn. "And now Mr. McLoughlin." Alright. "Mark, we have been through thick and thin, and ye've been by my side for everything with no questions asked. Ye were there when I couldn't breathe from laughter and when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Ye like a sun shining your happiness on others making the feel all warm and fuzzy. It's something people want to be around, and yet ye chose to share it with me. We've had lots of fun going with friends to haunted places, parties, birthdays, and so much more getting into all kinds of trouble. I'm really glad that I'll get to be able to see that sunshine every day and to see more places and to try new things together. I love ye Markiplier." We chuckle at that ending and the preacher smiles.

              We then got the rings and put them on each other giving our speech of eternal love. They were so pretty to look at. "Now do you, Mark Fischbach, take Sean McLoughlin to love and to forever hold?Until death do you part?" Mark smiles. "I do." "And do you, Sean McLoughlin, take Mark Fischbach to love and to forever hold? Until death do you part?" Tears continue where they left off. "I do." Then you make kiss.... the Youtuber." They all cheer and laugh while Mark cuffs his hand around my cheeks and kisses me. It was warm and different. I kinda liked it. I'm now Sean William Fischbach. Thank ye guys so much for reading this story if ye like it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all around WAPOOSH WAPOOSH! Thank ye guys I will see all ye dudes, hopefully, IN THE NEXT FANFICTION!!!!!!

     Well that was a fun thing to make. Ending was pretty corny too. This was my very first story I made on wattpad and so much happened in it. It's also the story with the most reads out of the rest. It was really fun to make and I hope you liked it and you can't wait to tell your friends of how cheesy it was. Thanks so much for reading and the next one might be even better.

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