Chapter Thirty-One: Unexpected

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Sorry this came so late! But I hope you enjoy!


February 14th - 9:13 PM

"I'm hungry!"

I can only chuckle when I feel my little princess wrap his slender arms around mine. I look down at the beautiful sight cuddled up to my side and smirk. For someone so small and adorable, he sure does like to eat a lot.

"I know, babe," I reply with a silent chuckle. "I think I heard you the first seven times you said it."

Niall softly places his warm cheek on my bicep and looks up. I make the mistake of continuing to look down at him and his angelic blue eyes captivate me and lock me in a trance. It doesn't help that the pale moonlight bounces off of his porcelain skin and oceanic eyes so my angel's beauty increases tenfold. Damn. I am the lucky one.

"You're so annoying," he says with what he thinks is a deadly glare. My eyes widen in mock surprise. Wow, he called me annoying. His insults are becoming more and more ice cold. I might've actually felt a slight pain in my chest.

"Am I?"

Just as the words leave my mouth, I feel the soft warm light of the small restaurant cascade and rain over my body. I tear my gaze slightly away from my princess and see the neon blue sign of the name flickering in the mixture of moonlight and incandescence. I return my brown eyes back to the angelic blue eyes of my baby only to see the glare deepened on his face. I smirk at the unnecessarily large amount of adorableness rippling off of my flower. He's extremely good at disarming me with not scariness, but cuteness. I lean down until my mouth is just inches over his ear, my hot breaths tickling my baby ever so slightly.

"Do you want to continue arguing out here in the cold or do you want to go inside and argue there? Where we can eat and I can cuddle with you?"

Niall's cheeks turn from pink to crimson within seconds. His hands gripping onto my bicep falter as they slowly slide down to play with my rough fingers. Except they aren't able to grab my hand. Because it isn't there when he fully drops his hands. Instead, he lets out a surprised squeal when his petite body is suddenly flushed against mine, my arm secured around his curvy waist and a hand resting on his hip. His fluffy blonde hair continues to stay on his forehead as he shyly nods his head. My eyes raise in amusement, obviously wondering which option Niall is confirming.

"Which one, babe?" I ask. My hand smoothly travels from his hip to the small of his back. Then my hand gets a mind of its own and slithers down to his bum. And it squeezes. My hand obviously didn't mean to do it, but the sounds that emit from my baby just confirms the fact that he is mine. And I love it.

"T-t-th-the se-sec-second option," he breathes out shakily. He brings his soft blonde head down, him doing everything in his power to avert his crystalline eyes from mine. My expression immediately softens and I bring my hand from his bum to his chin. Slowly, I lift it up and lean down simultaneously. I close my eyes at the beautiful sight of a crimson blush contrasted with cerulean irises shining on his pretty face. His cute sound of protest quickly gets muffled as my lips collide with his. I inhale through my nose, becoming instantly intoxicated with the sweet mixture of fragrances rolling off of my angel's body. My arms secure themselves around their favorite place as he hesitantly reaches up and finds his hands on the back of my neck. And we stay like that.

And just like that, the warm funny sensation flutters back into my chest. My heartbeat thumps harshly against my ribcage until I feel like I'm exploding with joy. Colorful vibrant sparks fly around in my mind as I tighten my hold on his waist, pulling him closer so that our chests are touching. My tongue viciously prods against his mouth and I meet no resistance. He lets out a small whimper that I absorb with my entire being and jolts of pleasure run through me. In that moment, the vision of me and him lasting forever doesn't seem that far away. Maybe I can become a better person. Maybe I can stop sinning so that I can be worthy of Niall's love. Maybe eternity is possible. Possible for me. And in that moment, all worries about me telling him about my true identity and past "experiences" fade into oblivion. Because this kiss - the amazingly wonderful feeling of having an actual angel in my arms - washes away any fears and deems them irrational. This kiss - with all of the emotion being poured from my blackened heart into the purity of my blonde princess - makes me feel on the top of the world.

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