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It was dark and chilly outside, nothing compared to the amount of fear I am feeling right now. My brother was just killed here a few nights ago and just to return here was the dumbest decision I could have ever made. I always think through everything I do, but tonight it felt like I wasn't even in control of my body.

There he was, the boss of the gang up in Richmond. He was just standing in the park by an old oak tree rubbing his hands together trying to stay warm in the brisk autumn air. Out of all the things I wanted to do right now killing this man was the one that made the most sense to me. He had someone come and kill my brother, so why don't I just kill him myself?

"Hands on your head." I say as I hold a gun up to the man's head. He laughs a little, but does as I say. His hands were covered in scars and his fingers were callused. Many stories were probably behind those, some of those stories won't be told because of what is about to go down.

"Do you really think you can kill me?" The man asks. Of course he has a British accent. Why do all villains have a British accent?

"I don't think that. I know that I can, and I will." I say and cock the gun. "You had someone sent to kill me, but they killed my brother instead. Which is terrible for you since your little trooper didn't make it back." I say trying to sound as powerful as I can when really I'm terrified on the inside.

"It was you? You killed my son?" He asks and quickly reaches behind him and grabs the gun and disarms me. He takes out the clip and throws it to the side. "You killed my son?" He asks furious.

"He killed my brother." I say glaring at him ready to grab the switchblade that was hiding in my jacket pocket.

"I should have had him kill you instead. You would have been more valuable to this whole situation." He says and gives me a disgusting smile.

"Bullshit. You were never going to kill me."

"You're right. But if we did maybe your brother would be fine now. Instead he's rotting in a cell somewhere." The man confesses. I look up at him and grip the blade in my pocket. "That's right, he's still alive, maybe you should have made sure of that before you killed my son." The man says before he punches me and makes me fall to the ground and out of consciousness.

I wake up breathing hard and sweating. Whatever dream I just had felt all too real. 'Maybe it wasn't a dream.' Some part of my brain tells me. It had to be. I saw my brother shoot himself. I was standing right there. But what if he was telling the truth? Could Luke still be alive? Is it even possible?

I get out of the bed and walk over to the balcony doors and open one of them very slowly. The night air was cool against my hot skin and felt refreshing. With the stars and the moon in the sky it was the only source of light when I look out at the forest behind the large house that I currently live in. There wasn't much around here which made it much better for living at. Nobody could come and hurt me which was my main concern at this moment in time.

The wind brushed against the burns on my arms cooling them and making me feel cooler and less like a match that's been burning for an eternity. Going in to the fire just to save some people I've interacted with only a few times made me feel something that I've never felt before. Pride. I was so proud that I was able to save two lives that could have been lost if I wasn't there to save them. It was something you hardly ever feel.

I was looking up at the stars when I hear the balcony doors creak open. When I turn around I see Nate standing there rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I say and look at my hands which were resting on the railing. The balcony was a semi circle with a white metal railing that goes from wall to wall keeping you on the platform of the balcony.

Love, Nate (N.M)Where stories live. Discover now