Chapter 4

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Cody’s POV

            It’s been 3 hours since we’ve left the club and I still can’t get what she said out of my mind. I’m only returning the favor. What does that even mean? That I’m a dick? So what if I am? That’s my image. That’s what people expect me to act like. That’s who I am. Plus, I bet she gets whatever she wants. It’ll be a good wake-up call for her that not everyone will gravel at her feet.

The alcohol and what’s-her-name were good distractions and I completely forgot about my new ‘roommate’, until about an hour ago. By round two, I was sober and her long black hair and mesmerizing blue eyes were swimming in my mind. On round three, I know I was rough considering the only way I could get hard was imagining the slut in front of me was Her. It pissed me off. I was even more mad because I still didn’t know her name.

                As the anger still boils in me the Barbie girl lying next to me, I think her name is Kara? Sarah? Tara? I don’t know, something with ‘ara’ in it, starts having a normal breathing pattern.  She’s asleep and that’s my cue. I very quietly and very quickly get out of her bed and pick up all my clothes. First rule in sleeping with a girl, don’t sleep with her. I dine and ditch, fuck and forget, bang and bounce, once their asleep I’m out of there. Second rule is never bring them back to the house, certain girls get too clingy even when it’s not their first time and become obsessed. I learned that the hard way. She would come to my house every night and morning. If I didn’t answer the door, she would wait there until I did. Thank god I moved a week after.

                I step out of her apartment and make my way to the sidewalk. I look up and down the street and see no cars are going to come by. It’s deserted. Looks like I should get started walking back to actual civilization. She took me to the fucking middle of nowhere. As I pass by run down houses and apartments, it reminds me of home. I’m in a rough part of town. Great.

                I start to feel anxious and paranoid, all the previous memories of the streets I grew up in rushing through my mind. Every so often I glance around me making sure I don’t see anyone. If I run into anyone making a run or screwin around, I’m fucked, even if they don’t recognize me. I turn down a street and see the main road about a block down with cars flying by. I relax a little and keep walking. As I’m about to pass another street I hear some baggers making a deal, but I realize it too late. They heard me approach and their heads whip around to look at me. I keep my head straight and keep walking, giving them no attention and acting as if they’re not there. But I know they have rules to follow.

“Hey, you!” One of the guys yells. He has a heavy Spanish accent. I stop and turn towards them. There were four of them. I’m guessing two from one family and two from another. They start walking toward me.

“How long you been there?” the same one all but spits out, annoyed that he has to deal with me. He has a white, green, and yellow bandana wrapped around his head, the colors of the Sangres Oscuros family. Damn.

                “Not very long, just passing through,” I say in a casual tone.  His brother, and other relative of the Sangres Oscuros, is sizing me up. I’m built but he’s huge. The smirk on his face says he knows how much more of a build he has than me.  Little does he know, I’ve fought and won against bigger men than him.

                “What did you see?” A different one says in a business tone. He’s white and damn does he look it. His hair is combed neatly. Everything about him screams neat, but he gives off a powerful aura. He’s dressed in crappy basketball shorts and a too big t-shirt. Probably an undercover outfit, so he “fits in” but the outfit isn’t doing such a good job. The last guy standing next to him, his relative, looks tough like he might actually live close by. Both have a gold ring on their right middle finger with a symbol engraved on it. I don’t have to be able to make out the symbol to know that they’re the Puritan family.

                “Nothing. Like I said, I was only passing through,” I state calmly but politely. The two Puritans are judging me, trying to figure out whether I’m lying or not, but they know the drill. The big one of the Sangres Oscuros walks behind me.

                “Separas piernas. Move out legs,” He says in a heavier accent then his brother. I spread my legs apart and put my hands in the air. He feels me up looking for any weapon or surveillance. Unfortunately I left my gun at the house , if I hadn’t thought twice about bringing it I could’ve avoided all of this. After he’s done he stands up and announces, “Está claro.”

                “Gracias hombre. Él pobre bastardo. No good for you.” Says the other Sangres with a cruel smile, “Muy mal tiempo para estar aquí. Bad time for here.”

                I saw it before I felt it. One minute I’m standing up and the next I’m on my ass. I can taste the blood on my tongue and feel it filling my mouth. I spit and see red droplets spew across the ground. As I being to lift my head up, I take another blow in the same spot.





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