《chapter 1》

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[jungkook's pov]

i glanced down at the book that lay out on my lap, skimming over the small doodles that littered the margins, sighing at the blank lines that sat neatly along the page. groaning, i reached out for the coffee that rested next to my opened laptop, multicoloured lines decorating the black background. music pumped through the small buds that settled into my ears and i found myself humming quietly to the tune. as my fingers danced over the styrofoam lid, a deep laughter rang past my music, the cup being yanked from my fingertips by the brunette that sat next to me. taehyung perched next to me with his typical boxy grin, eyes hidden by a curtain of thick lashes, the laughter lines crinkling the top of his nose and accentuating the small pinch of skin at the front of his eyes. he laughed again when he saw me scowling at him, his thumb running across his lower lip as he hummed out his laughter, small hiccups of giggles slipping past his mouth. grunting, i watched as he downed the last of my latte, lifting the cup and shaking it slightly, turning to face me.

"wanna refill?"

"only if you're paying," i replied, watching him roll his eyes before slipping past namjoon to get to the counter. said boy ruffled his freshly bleached locks, glancing opposite to the pink haired male who was deeply concentrating on fixing hoseok's shirt collar, completely unaware of the stare he was receiving from his younger. the cherry blossom head of hair shook slightly as he laughed, framing his structured face well, before he was done with hoseok and shuffling back to the baby pink notebook with 'jin' printed on the front in elegant cursive handwriting. the oldest laughed at nothing in particular, glancing up at the blonde momentarily, before continuing to scribble down notes onto the paper. moments later, a flustered taehyung came back empty handed, making anger boil inside of me. he reluctantly sat beside me, sighing and leaning his head on my shoulder. i tried to flinch away, before allowing him to lean himself against me.

"no-one was there to take orders. assholes are probably on break. then again, why are we at the coffee shop and not the park, as usual?"

"park is closed, and no shitheads are gonna tell us to shut up in the coffee shop," i replied, feeling him nod and hum in approval. suddenly, taehyung perked up, stumbling over a mess of legs and the ugly table, scrambling towards the cash register. i laughed at his stupidity, analysing how he returned with a petite boy clad in a baby blue apron.

"hi there, i'm jimin and what can i get you?" he recited sweetly. jin cooed, asking for a slice of strawberry cake, namjoon mindlessly ordering the same thing. taehyung mustered a small "nothing", before agreeing to buy chocolate cupcakes with hoseok. suddenly, the slam of a bag made all of us jump, before laughter rang out by looking at the tired state of yoongi, who's hair was disheveled and ruffled. sliding in beside namjoon, he ordered a vanilla cupcake - plain and simple.

the boy turned to me, pen ready and resting against the notebook he held between his small, pudgy fingers. his black hair curled and wisped outwards from all angles, locks and tufts resting against the flawless skin of his cheek. they were dusted with a light pink, the strong dusky hue of his lips striking against the palette of his face. i grinned, cocking my head playfully and leaning in to rest my elbows against the table.

"can i have you on my bed, legs spread, to go? steaming hot, please."

the boy flushed, dropping his book with a clatter onto the floor, eyes wide and mouth agape. his cheeks now sported a deep crimson, the glint of embarrassed tears brimming atop his eyelashes. winking at the silent boy, i couldn't help but follow the sway of his hips as he walked away to get everyone's orders. taehyung stared at me, much like everyone else was, before distorting his face into a playful smirk.

"how about a game, kook," he whispered, eyes burning with mischief. i hummed, indicating for him to continue.

"get into coffee shop boy's pants. i'll give you a deadline later bu-,"

"oh, i'm totally game."

short lil intro, but ok i'm super hyped for this, hope you are too! updates will be sorta slow, but hopefully longer.... see ya and hope you enjoyed!

features in this book: smut, jikook, crossdressing jimin, top!jungkook and bottom!jimin, plus school and coffee shop setting

- cute-namjoonie ♡

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