《chapter 3》

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[jimin's pov]

i felt his hot breath seep into the sensitive skin of my neck, goosebumps littering the inches of skin that he recklessly manhandled with his large, experienced palms.

"what's a pretty baby like you doing here, honey? soiled your panties? want me to clean you up?" he teased, fingertips easing to rest at the small of my back, hips being latched onto by the heavy weight of his hands. i glanced at the restroom door, praying for someone to walk in, but the other boy dipped his head to look me in the eyes. his irises had tinged to a charcoal onyx, flecks of rich chestnut drifting amongst the dark colours within his eyes. he snickered, ducking down to press our foreheads together. his fingers tightened and singed into my wrist, probably forming bruises once he pulled away. hungrily, his eyes skimmed over my form once again, sly chuckle leaving his attractive, full lips.

"wh-who are you?" i mumbled shyly, warm blush creeping up my neck to settle neatly along my cheekbones. this question seemed to be funny, as the asshole from the coffee shop spat out a hearty chortle, before nonchalantly leaning his head against my left shoulder. my breathing hitched at his close proximity, face warm from embarrassment and anger. his eyes twinged in animalistic curiosity, lips grating against the unmarked skin of my neck, before his teeth nipped at my earlobe, eliciting a surprised squeak from me.



"my name is jungkook, but you can call me whatever you want, princess," he reiterated, the puff of his hot breath washing against my exposed neck and ear. i groaned, feeling his erection resting atop my skirt-covered thigh.

"you wanna help daddy with something, baby?"

"what the hell? no, you goddamn pervert!" i yelled, yanking my hands out of the semi-loosened grip his hands had on my frail wrists. he pouted, mocking his hurt, before I sidestepped away from him. he cocked his head to the side, before breathing out a light chuckle and shaking his head. slotting his forehead into his hands, he let out a constrained sigh.

"fine, just this once sweetheart. but next time, you better help daddy, ok? and you know what, i'll reward my baby girl so well after and-,"

"shut up," i spat, the underlying lingering embarrassment dripping off my words, before i stumbled out of the bathroom, squirting hand cream over my clammy hands. i cringed at the disgusting squelching noise, scanning the now empty corridors and groaning as i figured i was late for my first class; maths.

now don't get me wrong, being late for maths class was a blessing, but on the first day of my transfer? not really my first accomplishment. after that 'jungkook' boy had stalled me in the bathroom, i was sure to murder him for ruining my school reputation before i even get the chance to tell the teacher my name. i sharply exhaled, the breath i let out immediately shooting back into my system.

an arm had slung around my waist, pulling me into a heavy wall of built muscle, the familiar scent of the manly cologne unwelcomely wafting into my nostrils.

"need an escort baby? i can take you to your lesson, you know. been here longer than you have, it seems."

"so what if i'm a transfer student, hm? i can make my own way around, without you, thank you very much," i sassed, attempting to wiggle out of his grasp. snickering, he unzipped my messenger back, yanking out a planner that was sandwiched between my makeup bag and tablet. casually flitting through the empty pages, he finally saw my daily schedule, a smirk plastering onto his lips.

"looks like you're in luck, sweet stuff, we both have maths first thing; must be fate," he teased, giving my hips a gentle squeeze, pulling me along the polished corridors. i rolled my eyes, almost tripping over my feet as he tugged me forwards. suddenly, the boy's grip tightened on my wrist and his feet halted, sending me straight into the wall of his back. yelping, he roughly pulled me to stand next to him.

"everyone is gonna eat you with their eyes. keep your head down and sit next to me; no questions? good, let's go."

before i could refuse, the taller pushed the door open, glaring at a brunette that sat in the front row. i met his eyes, shooting him a small smile, before a bruising pressure on my wrist made me look down at the marred floor. the authorotive voice of the teacher boomed out, making me shudder, eyes still glued to the floor.

"jeon jungkook! late to my class, again, and with a friend i see? who is that, hm?" the teacher mused, hand on his hip as the entire class stared at the two of us. i opened my mouth to speak, before the latter's voice sternly spoke, eyes thin, angry slits as he harshly gazed at everyone.

"his name is park jimin and he's the transfer student. i'm just taking him around school, getting him to classes, that sort of stuff," he said, voice clipped and borderline rude. i just breathed out a sigh, feeling his fingers slip from my wrist, imprints of his hand left on the curve beneath my thumb. i glanced upwards, noticing his burning gaze, before following him to the double desk at the back, slumping into my seat.

class was getting started with the work, the teacher handing me a fresh new maths book and quietly explaining the worksheet, before leaving to settle at his desk. i ducked my head below the desk to grab my messenger bag that was sandwiched between mine and jungkook's chair, arm accidentally leaning against the side of his leg as I reached to grab my pencil case. slyly, the other had moved his hand that rested on his thigh to hover over the crown of my head, fingertips cautiously twirling my hair. my face blazed with embarrassment, hands gripping my pencil case, before i darted back up, shooting daggers at the smirking raven. when he started giggling for no reason, i cocked my head to the side, silently asking him to explain.

"what? why are you looking at me like that?" he questioned. i huffed, turning back to my book and scribbling down questions and answers, his laughter cutting off when my eyes no longer lingered on him.

"why did you start laughing? is there something on my face, or what?" i tried, viciousness lacking in my tone.

"i started laughing because of how cute you were; so innocent when you're all flustered," he stated bluntly, his eyes still wandering over me.

"wha- what the?" i stuttered, momentarily stopping what i was doing, before continuing to write out sums.

"also, i stopped laughing because i thought of you sucking me off under the desk - you'd like that wouldn't you, dirty little slut."

merry christmas, guys! hope you liked this chapter~♡

stay well and i hope you guys had a great christmas (even though i bet sadly no one got a hot korean boy/girl under their tree *cries*)
still, hope you had a good day, and see you soon!

- cute-namjoonie ♡

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