《chapter 9》

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[jimin's pov]

my legs instantly felt heavy, wide eyes meeting my own. jungkook gulped thickly, scanning over the situation in front of him. junghyun's hands squeezed my hips strongly, as if imprinting his fingerprints onto the skin beneath my clothes, the sensation burning through each cell around his hand. jungkook's eyes flitted from junghyun's hands to my eyes, eyebrows furrowing and rage bubbling behind the dark brown of his eyes. his bottom lip sunk deeply as his canine dug into the pink, irritated, plush skin. gulping, my hands went to rest on junghyun's, his own gaze scorching into my skin.

awkwardly, i let out a small cough, attempting to lift the silence that had shrouded the room. jungkook glared at the man beside me, making my insides twist and clench. finally, he cleared his throat, lifting the bag of food limply.

"i brought food for the both of us, unless jimin would like some too. would you care to, jimin? or do you have your hands full with the man who gives you his 'big dick' all the time?" jungkook spat, eyes glowering to a dark onyx, lips curling to a snarl as his anger began to rip through his original shocked facade. junghyun sighed deeply, eyes thinning to skeptical slits as he looked at both me and jungkook.

"jungkookie h-," junghyun attempted, getting up from his seat and easily letting go of my hips. a rush of shame coursed through my cheeks, setting them alight to a blazing red, my gaze dropping to the floor which i wished would open and swallow me whole. 

"don't try it. go on jimin. answer this: who is junghyun to you?" jungkook menacingly teased, fist tightening on the plastic bag he was holding. junghyun glanced over to me, hand gently cradling my chin and guiding me to stand up beside him. his soft actions frightened me, just like the first time i had met him, but they slowly urged me to speak. i gripped his hand, eyes screwing shut and lips parting to speak. 

"he's my lover jungkookie! and why does it matter anyways, you're just his friend so-"

"i'm his fucking brother!"

my eyes widened, breath hitching as my hold on junghyun's hand instantly fell. even more embarrassment sizzled through me, heat searing through each and every inch of my body.

"and i bet he hasn't told you a fucking thing, junghyun. he probably hasn't told you how much of a goddamn cock tease he is, wishing it was harder than how you do it. do you wanna know how unfaithful he is? i fucking knew he was taken yet he still begged me for it. how are you with someone like that... and to - to think i agreed to do it with him again fuck i'm such an idiot. what is wrong with you for being with him?! snap the fuck out of it! he's... he's a cheating whore!"

those last words shattered my sense of resolve, anger and hurt brimming at the back of my throat and threatening to overflow in the form of vengeful words. tears also accumulated in my eyes, painful ringing resonating in my head. junghyun simply chuckled at his brother's words, hand skimming over my cheek and moving to ruffle my black hair. 

"ah jungkook, isn't it obvious? i really do love him. really, with all my heart. he can tread all over me and the doors to my house, my arms, my heart... they'd still be open for him. they will remain so even if-"

"it was me who did it with him junghyun... i did it.. with your brother..." i whispered beside him. i didn't meet his eyes until jungkook gasped quietly. his hand lowered to my cheek and i turned my head to look and junghyun, my own breathless, silent gasp leaving my mouth. tears had trickled down junghyun's happy face, leaving pinkish trails beneath the rivers that littered his face. his lips were agitated as he licked them feverishly, his broken smile lifting the sad expression slightly.

"it really is crazy how much i do. fucking hell, jimin, answer this for me... was he better to you?" junghyun brokenly asked, eyes flickering from the floor to my eyes, before his pink-tinged eyes settled on my own. 

"your silence answers my question, excuse me now."

and with that, junghyun grabbed his car keys and the sound of the door slam and the whirring engine hauntingly repeated itself in my mind. 

im. fucking. free! at last omg ok i think my exams went pretty well and im so so so happy its all over... keep your eyes peeled for those updates!

- cute-namjoonie ♡

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