《chapter 11》

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[jungkook's pov]

my mind had gone blank, no thoughts accumulating. i sighed, noticing how he streets had all blurred into one long, mindless path, my whereabouts unknown even to myself.

"what should i do?" i asked the empty air, feet halting at the edge of the road as i tried to wrack my brains and find a way back to somewhere i knew. sweat had formed on my brow, proof of the erratic searching i had done to find him, but what if he was even more lost than i was? the same thought swarmed my empty head, eyebrows furrowing to form deep lines in my forehead and ragged breath leaving my lips. my eyes flitted from the silent road to behind me.

the loneliness was daunting, but only one person's name left my lips.

"park jimin... where are you?"

[jimin's pov]

i knew i had to keep running away; far away before either of them found me.

what had i done? ruining my perfectly good relationship with my now ex-boyfriend for no one other than his brother? my heart sank and head spun at the thought, tears flowing down and soaking my warm cheeks. the confusion of the entire situation made my head hurt and heart throb more, breathing becoming diffficult and ragged. pain seared through my throat and coughs came out in quick succession, eyes tearing up more at the burning sensation. i gripped the nearby wall in order to steady myself, my legs almost giving out from beneath me. swallowing, i sighed as i stabilised my breathing, wiping away the tears from my cheeks with the bottom of my school shirt.

"where am i?" i wondered openly, straightening my back and looking at my surroundings, before my eyes locked with a familiar place.

"wow, that park... brings back memories," i breathed, small smile playing on my lips. i brushed my skirt, stepping towards the large gates that used to greet me everyday when i used to work at a small stall in the park. i reminisced the quiet chatter of many different people that visited to have some coffee, or treat their children to sweet pastry. my eyes glittered as the luscious greenery swamped my memories, happy tears of fond times accumulated along the botto of my eyes. i sniffled, soaking in the aroma of freshly cut grass that had seemed so normal to me a long time ago. my feet retraced the steps of the past, pattering along the cream coloured path that wound around trees and bushes. a sense of playfulness washed over me and i began running along the path, giggles leaving my lips.

no one was there; my heart was happy to find that the old man had moved his business somewhere else, hopefully somewhere more promising. 

i laughed loudly, kneeling to sink my knees into the soft grass, with a wide smile plastered on my face. the feeling of the blades brushing the palm of my hand tickled, eliciting a breathy laugh. suddenly, someone coughed near me, a shadow being cast over me. the darkening sky overhead had brought a warm hue over the bright greenery. i quickly lifted my head, only for my eyes to widen and a shocked gasp to leave my lips.

"jimin," he spoke in that same loving tone, making me grip the grass tightly in slight anger. i rose to my feet, watching him awkwardly place his hands in his pockets, before we both sighed.

"so you were here? you really worried us both."

"you 'both'? as in... jungkook too?" i asked, concern and confusion lacing my sentence. with a bitter chuckle, junghyun nodded slowly. guilt quickly built up inside me as i followed his gaze that was intent on the floor. 

"jimin, sit with me on that bench for a bit. let's talk," he ushered, leading me to the bench and sitting down with his arms loosely hanging forwards as his elbows rested comfortably on his thighs.

"you know, when we met here, i thought... 'wow that boy really is something. he's not scared to show people how he likes to dress, he wears what he wants, he's brave and amazing'. and you know what's even more crazy? i still think about you like that. you're still courageous in what you wear, you're still bright and happy as always. i'm still... hell, i'm still crazy about you," he stopped, a shaky laugh leaving his lips. "and i don't think i'll ever forget about the time we've spent together. i've never let anyone in this much, and i've never seen someone when i wake up in the morning. whoever i have been with in the past, wouldn't be there in the morning. after being with me for the day, being treated well and loved, would leave once they're done with me. i've watched people i love being taken away all the time, i guess - i guess i'm not enough, huh. it hurts me to see you go, but if my brother is someone that makes you happy then... then-"

"junghyun ple-,"

"then i'll let you go, won't i? i'll let you be happy with whoever it may be. please jimin, be happy. i won't be happy if you aren't. your smile means more that any 'i love you' ever will. so please, keep smiling, even if i'm not the reason."

"so what, you're giving him to me?" a familiar voice rang out, my bleary vision still clear enough to recognise the athletic build of none other than jungkook.

"don't you get it, brother? i'm still falling in love with him, just... i didn't even do this to love him i-," jungkook muttered. junghyun got up, holding his brother my his shoulders. his soft, brotherly smile lingering on his unhappy face, red marks of tears evident on his face.

"please, jungkookie, take care of him. i know you can. you're my little brother after all, so have some faith, ok?"

"no, i can't i didn't screw him because i love him. i - i mean i do like him it's just that-,"

"just what, jungkook?" i asked, confusion evident on my face. jungkook nervously walked over to me, gaze distant and anxious.

"i... i'm really sorry b-but...

i fucked you because of a bet."


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