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I was so happy I got the job! I felt so proud of myself, I really wanted to impress Hannah and Oliver while am working here but, mostly I wanna impress Oliver and not let him down, he's basically the owner of drop dead. Oliver and two other co-workers were showing me around the shop and what I needed to do.

"Kellin, this is Grace and Justin they have been working in drop dead, for about 5 years and they are also our models. Each one of them nodded to me with a smile as they both shook my hand.

Grace my full tattooed but, the most that hot to me was her eyes they were...purple. She was wearing a long black jacket and black jeans with white converse.

"Hi am Grace, am sorry if I scare you am trying to look like an alien. Do I scare you?" She asked.

"Oh no! I'm sorry it's just that I've seen any kinda girl that would do that but, to be honest I like your eyes and your tattoos"

She chuckled. "Thanks"

I moved on to Justin he seemed really nice but, he seemed like he had way more tattoos they were mostly on his face he's also tall. Justin was wearing a gray long sleeve shirt and white jeans with black shoes.

"Don't mind her she just weird." Justin said. Grace chuckle.

"Guilty as charged." Grace said. I laughed, I look forward to working with both of them, I like there British accent.

"Well Kellin since you know our weirdos...all leave you with them and tell you what to do, I have to tend to a business meeting, will you be ok?" Oliver asked me as he put his hand on my shoulder, I took in a shaky breath.

"Y-yeah all be fine." Oliver nodded.

"Take care of him." He said to Justin and Grace as he walk back to his office. 

Grace clapped her hands and a little jumpy... "Ok Kellin what do you wanna do first? Do you us to show you what to do? Or how to us the cash register?" She asked. I seemed a little scared and nervous but, I felt like doing clothes first.

"I would have to say clothes..."

She nodded, as she grabbed my hand and took me to the dressing rooms as Justin followed behind. Grace let go of my hand and showed me what to do, "as you can see, people try on clothes and somehow decide to leave the clothes they don't want in her or the floor. So what you'll do is grab the clothes that go on hangers, put them back on the hanger." She said. I nodded, as I did what she told me.

As I did that Justin talked, "as your doing that, you wanna take a look at the clothes, just to make sure there is nothing dirty on it, if you ever find any clothes in the store with a stain just report it to us." I nodded, as I was almost done with the clothes.

"Alright, when your all done you'll put the clothes back with the other clothes it belongs to." Justin said. I grabbed the clothes and tried to find other clothes that matched the one I have to put them back. Luckily I did and finished quickly.

"Very good Kellin. Now how about we try the cash register?" Grace said. I nodded.

All three of us went to the cash register and Grace showed me how to use it as well as Justin did. The register was really easy to be honest, since I've had experienced on using the cash register, all I been thinking in my head was that I don't mess up while working here, well mostly I don't wanna embarrass myself in front of Oliver, or most importantly his company.

"Alright Kellin, ready for your first costumer?" Grace asked me.

I nodded, a little shyly. A girl came up with just two pair of black jeans, "wow cool choice, these jeans would really go great with that nirvana shirt." I said as complimented the girl who had a nirvana shirt on, "really?" The girl with a British accent asked.

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