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I felt like everything went well today at my first day here at drop dead, no I actually feel great and confident working here. Right now, I was helping Justin and Grace clean up. I was cleaning the counters with a rag, as I did that I saw Grade struggling to take the trash out, I chuckled as I went to her.

"Here let me take that," I said as I tried getting the trash from her.

"Oh, Kellin its alright I can take it." I nodded my head as I took the trash from her.

"I got it don't worry," I grabbed it from her, she sighed.

"I can really ta-"

"Let Kellin do it, you can't even lift anything with that small body of yours." Justin said as he hanged up some clothes. "Kellin can you take that to the trash as well," Grace said as she pointed that to Justin I laughed and took the trash out.

As I went outside I was met with the cooling breeze in my face, I went to the huge trash can across from the door. As I lifted the huge trash can to throw the trash away someone called my name.

"Kellin!" I turned to my left to see two people walking towards me with hoods on them, I couldn't see their faces, but only one was tall and the other was a little short then the other. I froze as I was shocked to know who it was, it can't be them, god how did they find me!

I made up my mind to run, as I began to run they caught me and pushed me to the wall as they grabbed my arms.

"No! Please let g-" they covered my mouth.

"It's us! It's us!" They whispered yelled as they both took off their hoods. It was Austin and Alex. I let out a breath of relief, they let go of me.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" I asked them both, they looked at each other trying to figure out what to say.

"We just thought about staying here, just to keep you company." Alex said. I could tell in his eyes he was lying, but why stay with me?

"Why?" I asked him.

"W-well you know how Alan is, he doesn't like his best friend being lost," Austin said, he was lying as well.

"Tell me the truth." I told both of them,

"Kellin like we said we want to keep you company here." Alex said again.

"Alex tell me th-"

"Kellin!" I turned to look that Oliver was looking for me, I pushed Alex and Austin to the trash can so Oliver wouldn't see them. I walked towards him, his eyes and lite up when he saw me.

"There you are! Come on we have to go home, my brother coming over for dinner," I nodded as Oliver went inside. I went to Austin and Alex, I saw Austin shock. "Wow you are really living with Oliver Sykes!" He asked, I nodded.

"Look I can't talk now, but come back tomorrow morning at 10 here at this spot. Bye all see you guys tomorrow." They both nodded as I hugged them both.

I walked inside as I saw Oliver talking to Grace and Justin, "so how was his first day?" He asked them both.

"Oh he did such an amazing job, really great and cute boy!" Grace said.

"Yeah, he was cool and really great. Really like how he acted here." Justin said. Oliver smiled, "I'm really glad, but I have to tell him some news that I think he won't like"

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