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I laid there all cold as tears fell down my face. He did it. He raped me...again. I felt so used so ashamed cause they only person I would let them touch me is Oliver, Oliver was the only one I felt so safe for once in my life. But he is gone and it's my fault. I got up from the bed and tried to stand up. I looked down at my legs, I was just wearing a long shirt that covered the half of my necked body. I grabbed my boxers from the floor and put them on as well as my pants, I groaned in pain as I put them on. I could just remember screaming telling him to stop, but he would shut me up.

As I walked to the restroom I heard the bedroom door open, but I still walked in the restroom as I wasn't feeling good, I was getting sick again. I leaned against the sink to get my balance as I was getting a little dizzy. I walked into the restroom all week now I'm gonna collapse.

"Kellin?" I heard Vic's voice as he walked in. Once he walked in I saw him through the mirror. Vic smiled as I just stood there with a straight face, "I made us dinner. It's ready so let's g-"

I cut Vic off as I ran to the toilet and threw up. Vic got beside me and rubbed my back.

"Kellin are you alright?" Vic asked. I got up with the help of Vic. I walked to the sink and drank water and spit it out.

"Y-yeah I'm fine...just sick..." I said to him as I didn't even look at him. Vic grabbed my hand and took me to the room, "Kellin do you wanna rest?" Vic asked. I didn't want to stay in this room nor sleep in that bed since what just happened a few hours ago.

I shook my head, "n-no I'm good just need some food." I said. Vic nodded as he took my hand again and took us downstairs.

As we made it down stairs I saw Mike and Tony waiting in the kitchen. They stood there as they looked at me. Vic sat me down, as he gave me a plate of chicken and some fried vegetables, I smelled it and instantly ate it. "Wow Kellin slow down," Vic said as he laughed. I was hungry I was eating it like I haven't ate in days.

I was finish with it as Vic looked shocked. "Want some more?" He asked. I nodded as he got up and served me some more. As Vic did, I looked at Tony as I noticed he was looking at me, "hi Tony," I said.

"Hello Kellin, long time no see..."

"Yeah..." I said to him. Tony got close to me as he checked Vic wasn't looking. "I know your little secret..." I looked at him with fear as he stood up straight again as Vic came back with my plate.

I ate slowly this time so Tony wouldn't notice anything as well as Vic and Mike. As I ate slowly I started to notice everyone was watching me, and it felt uncomfortable since it reminded me of the past. "Where's Adrian?" I decided to ask out of the blue.

"He's in the house," Mike said. I was taken back as Mike told me Adrian was in the house. "Are you guys guys giving him food?" I asked.

"Sometimes..." Tony said. I got up from my chair as Vic stood up. I got my plate and walked upstairs slowly. "Kellin were do you thi-"

"Take me to Adrian." I said as I turned around to look at him.

"N-no you are not allowed to see him nor-"

"Please Viccy poo..." I said as I got close to him and kissed him in which I regret. This was my only way to get to him, even the nickname I said, he liked it. Vic smiled.

"Oh alright," Vic grabbed my hand and was about to take me upstairs till Tony spoke,

"Wait Vic, he might be planning to escape again," Tony said.

"No he isn't, I'm going to take him to see Adrian. And I'm going to be there ," he said.

"But Vic Kell-"

Don't let me drown (Koli) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now