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Hannah drove quickly to drop dead. So many questions were running through my head. Who would do this? Why my parents business? Why is this happening? I looked through the mirror, to see Kellin confused and scared about this whole situation. "Hannah did they tell you anything about how this happened?" I asked her. "No, they just said that they heard the alarms going off and saw that the place was destroyed" she said as she had her eyes on the road. I sighed and put my hands through my hair. Why is this happening now, when yesterday we were all having the most fun? We finally made it to the shop, but we made it to see police officers and some people outside the shop. Even more worst photographers from alternative press are here.

"Let's go" Hannah said. We all got out the car, but I stopped Kellin.

"Kellin stay in the car."

"B-but Oli I wanna know what happened" he said with a sad look on his face. I sighed again. "Kellin, just please stay in the car..." Kellin looked down, but nodded. I gave him and kiss on the cheek and said 'I love you' I got out the car.

I just walked through the crowd with my head down as the photographers were taking pictures of me, but thankfully a cop came to my rescue and made my way through the crowd and into the shop. It was just a nightmare, there was glass all over the floor, clothes were ripped, some clothes were robbed, and there was graphite all over the walls. I looked at the graphite that was on the walk. "K + M?" I said to myself. What could that possibly mean.

"Oliver" I looked to see it was my brother. I walked towards him.

"Tom what the hell happened?" I asked. Tom sighed.

"Last night supposably a guy or a group of people, came into the shop and decided to destroy the place, but they somehow managed to set the alarm as they left." He said. How could this even be possible? Why would people do this to my family shop?

I watched as everyone was trying to get close to the scene to see how it is inside. I wanted to go inside, but Oliver wouldn't let me. As everyone was watching the scene, two guy with their hoodies over there head came my way. I panicked for a moment, but then realized it was just Alex and Austin. Alex tapped on the glass, I rolled down my window, "do you guys know what happened?" I asked them both. Alex sighed and Austin looked down.

"What's wrong?" Alex looked at Austin then said. "Tell him Austin." Austin sighed this time. "What is it? Do you guys know who did this??" They both were really loosing my patience, and my heart felt like it was going to burst if they didn't tell me, Alex looked at me and said something I would never imagine them ever telling me...

"Kellin...he is here."

Just like that my heart was racing, my throats felt like his hands were around my neck again, tearing were coming up.

"N-no...no this can't be happening...why did this have to happen...." I cried as I put my face into my hands.

That was it. It was the end for me. I put everyone in danger, people who have came into my life I have put them in harms way, but also...me...but I'm just gonna die. "H-he did this then?" I asked them. "I don't know , we just got here...but I think it was him." He said. I looked down, then thought of Oliver...what is gonna happen when he finds out about the truth about me? He will forever hate me, even worse he will never love me again...I wiped my tears and ran out the car. "Kellin!" Austin yelled my name to stop me, but I didn't listen the only thing on my mind was Oliver and I needed him...

I ran through the crowd, cops tried to stop me, but I just ignored them in got into the shop. It was a mess...everything was ruined, all the pics that we took yesterday were ripped and ruined they all were on the floor. I picked one picture up, it was a picture of me and Oliver. It was almost ripped in the middle, but crumbled up. I turned the picture around and saw something was written on it.

Don't let me drown (Koli) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now