Chapter Ten

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I slowly walked down the stairs, still a bit tired from my restless night. It was one of the nights you keep waking up and going back to sleep right after, knowing you'll be exhausted in the morning. I grumbled as I walked, feeling absolutely miserable.' I finally made my way to my destination, laying on the couch as I sighed, turning on the TV and pulling my blanket around me.

As soon as I was comfortable my phone rang from the kitchen, causing me to groan as I slowly sat back up, following the annoying tone that is Marimba

"Hello?" I asked the caller, not bothering to check the ID. 

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Luke's voice drifted through the device.

"Oh shit, our double date." I groaned, pressing my hand to my warm forehead, "I completely forgot. I've been trying to sleep this fever away."

"Oh, babe, I'm sorry. Look, I'll come over soon, don't worry."

"No, Luke, help Devin make it a date for him and Kathleen, he's leaving soon. Please." I pleaded, feeling guilty as it was.


"Luke, seriously, I'll be fine. Stop worrying."

'is your mom home?" Luke questioned, concern clear in his voice.

"Maybe." I mumbled, exhausted by our short conversation.

"That's a no," Luke sighed, "Just go to sleep, babe."

"Fine, but you're not coming over."

"No promises." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Hello?" I call out as I wake from my nap, checking the time to see it was already 2:45.

"Hey, babe." Luke grinned, entering the room as I buried myself under my mound of blankets.

"Go away," I tell him, snuggling my teddy bear closer to my chest, "I'm going to get you sick."

"Hmm... Let me think about that. Yeah, not gonna happened." I heard him laugh, slowly picking through the pile of blankets until my eyes were finally uncovered.

I just groaned in response, snuggling the bear, Teddies, closer to my chest as Luke giggled at my actions, putting the tray of saltines and soup on the coffee table in front of me. Luke swiftly grabbed the remote from where it had been balancing on my knee.

"Really, Luke? I was watching Iron Man." I groaned as he turned it to the local sports network, quietly cheering as he turned it back to my beloved Tony Stark.

"You're my Pepper and I'm your Tony, okay?" Luke mumbled into my ear, wrapping his arms around me, ignoring my protests.

"Okay," I stupidly grinned, "You do realize her first name is Virginia, right?" I ask him as my eyes close, the noise from the TV evening out as I resume my nap once again, even as I fight to keep my eyes open.


"Hey, piglet. I miss you." A voice whispers as I open my eyes.

"Piglet?" I question the mysterious voice.

"Yes, and now that I have you, I'm not letting you go." The voice spoke, coming into view from behind the mysterious fog surrounding the room.

I screamed as he came closer, closing my eyes, hoping the childish hope that if he couldn't see me I couldn't see him.

"Andy! Andy! Wake up, babe! Andy!" A voice spoke harshly, shaking me slightly as I refused to open my eyes.

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