Chapter Fourteen

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"I'm throwing away pictures that I never should have taken in the first place. And it's cold in my apartment as I'm changing all the colors from the brightest reds to grays." I quietly hummed along to Mayday parade as I continued to apply, get this, red paint to the walls of my bedroom. 

"Andy? You here?" Luke called out from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm in my room!"

"Nice song choice, but if I may?" Luke questioned, already heading over to the iPod player before I could respond.

"Yeah, go right ahead." I mumble sarcastically under my breath, turning my attention back to the half-painted wall I was standing in front of.

It's silent for a moment until Luke comes to stand next to me, paint roller in hand while I listen to the new song currently blaring from the small device.

"I took a walk for the very first time on the dark side of the dance floor, lit a match just to heat things up but I got more than I bargained for; mixed drinks, mixed feelings of elation.." I swayed my body to the beat as Luke sung along with his choice of song.

"Let's drink to feelings of temptation. You and I, we're an over-night sensation!" I joined along, spinning until I abruptly stop.


"Yeah?" I hesitantly ask my, now red, boyfriend.

"Give me a hug."

"What?" I giggle.

"I said, give me a hug!" Luke exclaims as he wraps one arm around me, the other one being used to create a line of red from my left cheekbone to my right.

"You suck!" I exclaim when he releases me.

The only response I was met with was his "masculine" giggles as I continued to stare at him with an incredulous look on my face.

"Y-You're face," He gasps. "It's priceless!"

"Like yours?"

He immediately sobered up. "What do you mean?"

"This." I respond, leaning close and smearing my brush across his face.



"Come over here."

"What?" I questioned.

"Come. Over. Here." He repeats, emphasizing each word.

I hesitantly walk toward him, lightly treading on my tarp-covered floor. I was a foot away when he suddenly jumped towards me, wrapping his arms around me as he rubbed his face all over mine, transferring the paint onto my face as well. 


"Yes?" He replies, a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame covering his fire truck red face.

"You're an idiot."

"We've been over this before, Andy Pandy. I am an idiot, but I'm also your idiot."

"Can't argue with that logic." I reply, glancing down at my red splotched clothes, happy I wore old ones.

"How's Red doing?" Luke asks as we finally decided to paint my walls instead of derping around as per usual.

"She's good, she said it's nice there. She wishes she was still here but she's adjusting well." I tell him, basically repeating what she had told me over the phone a few nights ago.

"You miss her. It's okay to talk about it, I miss her too." He quietly tells me, his attention seemingly on the still half-painted wall.

"I do. I just don't want to talk about it." I reply, setting my jaw as I let the quiet music fill the otherwise silent room.

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