Chapter Two

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"Shorty said she wants to get away. Says I look like a boy she used to date. Took me by the hand and pulled me to the st-"

"Gaskarth, I love you and all, but I even hate you in the morning." I mumble to myself as I turn off my alarm before turning my iPod on shuffle, letting the music take over and bring me happiness. 

It's true, music really is the only thing always there for you. I thought to myself, walking down the stairs with my music now being broadcast through my headphones. I started thinking about everyone whose left me at that point, my dad, my old "friends", so many people. All because, "I wasn't worth it," or "I was too much to handle." My personal favorite being, "You're too broken to even bother fixing." Guess who said that. The only person beside my mom I had ever actually truly loved. My ex boyfriend, the one who said that to be able to complete a dare. Ever since that day I have yet to let anyone into my heart, even Tori isn't close to scratching the walls, nevertheless breaking them down. My Mom isn't around enough to know about anything that goes on in my head. 


"Aye, white boy! What are you waiting for?" I call behind me to Luke who was gradually slowing and shortening his strides.

"Y-You actually want me to walk into the school with me?"

"Of course, you are my friend! Now hurry up!"

By the time we enter the school I'm actually early for class, which has never happened before.

Oh well, guess I'll go and wait for Red outside. I think to myself as I turn towards the back of the school. Until Luke catches my arm, that is.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"Well, am going to wait for Red outside. You're welcome to join, if you don't mind messing up that perfectly innocent image of yours." I grin at the boy.

"Hmm... Tough choice. I guess I'll see you after class, Andrea." 

"Trouble!" I quickly correct him, turning to walk to my table outside. As I arrive I pull out my headphones, turning on 'I Miss You' by Blink 182,

Hello there, the angel from my nightmares

The shadow in the background of the morgue.

The unsuspecting victim...


"Trouble! Wake up! Trouble!! Get up, lazy!" I woke to someone shaking me. 

"Hmm? Oh, hey there, Red." I replied, sleep clogging my voice.

 "It's not Red, silly! I'm actually at a blue phase now!" My eyes snapped open at those words, knowing exactly who it was.

"Soph! I missed you so much!" I exclaimed, bringing the blue haired girl into my arms.

"You know; here, there, everywhere. Now what about you? Red told me about this boy of yours. Luke, right?" I just shook my head, hoping my blush wasn't as prominent as it felt.

"We're just friends." I explain, giving her the I'll tell you later look as the bell rang. I knew she would understand, there is a reason we've been friends for 10 years. Oh, yeah; I should probably tell you about her. First things first, her name is Sophia Marie Lightmare and she has a habit of dying her hair crazy colors. She's 19-years-young and absolutely loves to travel, which explains why I haven't seen her in four months.

"Ah, just friends. I see, I see." I shook my head at this, noticing two familiar figures approaching us.

"Don't you dare call me anything but Trouble." I warn Luke as he sits next to me.

"Fine." He replies, sarcastically if I may add, "Who are you, exactly?" He turned towards Sophia as he spoke, the normal innocent look back on his face."

"I'm Sophia, you must be Luke, right?"

""Sure am! You look a bit old to be in High School, though. Not in a bad way!" He hurriedly spoke, not wanting to offend anyone.

"You're right but I"m only 19, three years older than Trouble over here." I smiled at her as she brought me back into the conversation. I smiled and nodded, putting my headphones back on and leaning into Luke's shoulder as I let sleep overtake me once again.


I woke to a soft murmur of conversation coming through my headphones, the songs ending long ago. I stirred as I felt something move from my waist, finally opening my eyes to Luke turning to me as he began to talk. I slowly pulled off my headphones and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up.

"Andrea, babe. You've got to wake up now, we're going to be late for class if you don't." I just smiled in return, standing up before I realized his arm was around my shoulders. It gave me a weird feeling in my stomach and I tried to ignore it as I smiled up at him.


""You actually wore your sister's bra out of the house?" I managed to choke out through my laughter as Luke grinned and chuckled as well.

"Sure did. Probably one of the funniest days of my life. One girl came up and asked me what size I wore and guess what I said."

"Oh Gosh... What did you say?"

"34 G." He replies with a cheesy grin, making my stomach flip once again.

"You're too much." I say with a smile, leaning against his arm as we continued to walk.

"Says you! I personally like myself... And my 34 G boobs." At this he struts off turning back to smile at me as he waits for me to catch up.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" I question him, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, meet me at the bottom of my drive." He replies before turning to his house as I continue to mine.

"Trouble!" He quickly calls before I'm out of hearing range.


"Thanks for, you know, making me feel welcome and all. It means a lot." Just like that he was gone, rushed back inside his house as I turned back to mine once again. I quickly take out my phone, sending him a quick text:

"Thanks to you, too. I've had fun hanging out at school, we should do it more. See you tomorrow, Lukey c:"

As I sent the text my stomach flipped again, suddenly nervous about so much stuff. 

I guess I'll see where it goes with My Good Boy. I think as I stumble into my house, glad the school day was finally over.

Just please, please don't let me be hurt again.

_____________________________________________________________________________ Hey guys! So, thanks for all the reads! It's fantastic! I have no idea when the next chappie will be up, but I really appreciate you guys sticking by me and reading it! Oh, and I hope you like the semi cliffhanger! See you all soon! Also, sorry it's a bit short today, just wanted to get an update out!

Much Love,


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