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Anything in this story is purely fictional and I made it up. Anything similar to the characters are purely coincidental. If it seems like another story, this is only the beginning of the story. Also note, this is also a sequel to 'the Gangleader's Broken Angel' and this story focus's on a girl named Kaylee and see meets the older Wesley (now Nash). Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

In every story you hear, or read, there is a beginning, a middle and a end. My beginning was I was popular. This was back in elementary school where anyone who could climb the highest point of the playground was considered "cool". Well, I was one of those "cool" people. I literally climbed on top of the dome we had and stood up before screaming, "I did it!"

Everyone cheered, teachers came running, yelling about how dangerous it was, but I didn't care. I was cool. Then I fell off the dome and hit the ground. I damaged my teeth and I was forced to wear braces. I wasn't cool anymore because I was the only kid there who had braces. I was different and they didn't like it.

After that was middle school. I was considered a dork when I entered middle school, so when I noticed my eye sight going bad, I dreaded going to see the eye doctor. My mother didn't care and had to work and my father was a dead beat, so I went by myself. I ended up needing glasses, and they gave me these hideous bottle cap glasses. That didn't make my popularity skyrocket.

I looked for some friends and since I was considered a nerd and a dork already, I joined the book club, the Astronomy club, the debate team and the photography club. Long story short, I only made one friend. Her name was Ness Nolen. We were best friends for a long time and told each other secrets.

In high school, Ness hated being the nerd, so she changed her baggy clothes in for some small and tight clothes. She started wearing a lot of make-up and high heels. I asked her what was going on and she ignored me. After a while, she stopped talking to me altogether. She joined the cheerleading team and her clothes got shorter from there on.

We're now seniors, and I am one of the biggest outcasts there. Most people make fun of me, but the rest just give me pity looks, not that I want them. I'd rather not be noticed, but that doesn't happen. There is a small group of people who just don't pay any attention to me and I'd like to keep it that way.

I hated school, but I also hated going home, so I like to hang out in the woods that sat behind my house. I built a little tree fort back there and I have stacks of books and a blanket in the fort. I go there when I don't want to be home. Sometimes I even sleep there.

My name is Kaylee August. Yes, I'm an outcast. No, I don't really care anymore. Yes, I hate my life. Yes, I will be leaving as soon as I possibly can. Will I survive high school? I don't know. I want to think I will, but knowing my mouth, I probably won't.

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