Chapter 13

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I swear, if anybody knows who the person in the photo is, I swear I will love you forever!

Chapter 13

Soon, we pulled up to their house, somewhere I never wanted to set foot in again. The twins pushed me out of the vehicle and gripped my arms. I cried out in pain again, and they instantly let go. My arms felt like they were on fire, and it was sweet that they didn't want to hurt me, but they were fools.

The moment they let me go I ran like the devil was on my heels. "Suck!" I heard Hayden snap, and then start running after me. Hayden was the fastest runner out of all the boy, so he had the best shot of getting me.

I could hear the sounds of our feet pounding against the sidewalk. Hayden was slowly, but surely, closing in on me, but I wasn't going to go down so easy. I'm happy I took the painkillers earlier. They still haven't full kicked in yet, but some of it was starting to work.

A corner was coming up, so I took the corner tight, barely catching myself from hitting the side of the building. I bolted down the street and saw Hayden's shadow has disappeared for a second before reappearing. It slowed him down, but not enough for me to make a clean escape.

Why is he pursuing me so much?!? Was it because I yelled at Sofia?

Instead of grabbing me like any normal person would, the fucking asshat jumped and tackled me to the ground! I cried out in pain, both from the original bruises and the new ones that would sure form after this incident.

He grabbed my by my arms and rips me up and off the ground. I could tell how angry he was by how hard he gripped my upper arm. "If you don't let me go, I'll scream." I threatened, but Hayden just turned around and laughed. He got up in my face and wore a sinister smile.

"Go ahead. Scream all you want, but nobody will come to help you. Nobody cares about you and they all know better than to mess with me and my family." he sneered in my face. Knowing the rumors floating around about Hayden, I wouldn't be surprised if what he said was true.

Hayden started to drag me back the way we came, but I dug my heels down and pulled away from him, struggling to get free. Soon, Hayden got enough of me resisting and he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I was kicking my legs, and pounding my hands against his back, but it was like a small children resisting against a giant man. Nothing would come of it and me resisting like that was meaningless.

I gave up on struggling as Hayden walked up the front of his lawn and into his house. He walked in and kicked the door shut behind him. He climbed the stairs, and while I had no idea where we were going, it was obvious Hayden had a destination in mind. I heard another door open. Suddenly, Hayden threw me down, and I screaming, thinking I was going to hit the floor. Instead, Hayden had thrown me on the bed, so I just bounced.

I glanced around and saw I was in a navy blue bedroom, with clothes scattered everywhere and a desk sitting in the corner of the room. The bed I was on had black sheets and it was actually pretty comfortable... Until Hayden made things uncomfortable. He leaned over me, glaring down at me. I could see everyone gathering around the door, watching what happened.

"I don't give any fucks about what happened to you, but don't you dare ever talk to my sister like that!" he snapped, getting louder as went on. "I don't care if you got into some car crash or some guys jumped you, but I do care about what you say and do to my sister! Don't bring her into your petty problems!"

Tears burned the back of my eyes, but I refused to shed them for this man. I couldn't let him see me break down and cry. I quickly brought my leg up and kicked him in the stomach. As I kicked him, I pushed him back and he fell backwards, onto the ground.

"You see, this is why I hate guys like you." I growled at him, and he glared up at me. "You think everything has to be a certain way, but if anything happens to distrub it, you go bat-shit crazy! Well, sorry to break it to you, but things change! Not everyone is perfect like you!"

"Whoever said I was perfect?" Hayden yelled back, standing up, and I laughed.

"Everyone!" I yelled. "You put so much effort into being perfect, that you can't even see that some people don't have the perfect life or the perfect family like you do!"

"We aren't perfect." he snapped.

"You have a loving sister who cares and worries about you! You have best friends that you are so close with, they are like your brothers! If that's not perfect, I don't know what is." I said, lowering my voice. "I don't have any of that, but you go around flaunting it around like it's a new outfit."

Hayden stayed quiet as he watched me. I took a deep breath and continued on, calmly, "I hate you so much, and you know that. I hate you because you have everything I don't have. You have looks, power, family that actually care about you, and friends that love you. I've been made fun of since I was little and my parent's never cared about me, but unlike you, I didn't have friends or siblings to turn to when things got rough.

"I hate how much you have. I hate how you make me feel every single time I'm around you. You make me feel like I'm a child, like I'm less than nothing when compared to you. You are the God, but I'm just a waste of space, breathing in oxygen I don't deserve."

I walked by him, and he didn't so anything to stop me. I walked by everyone else, and Sofia started to say something, but I just held up my hand, done talking. Everyone looked at me, pity in their eyes, and I felt like gouging out all their eyes so they would stop giving me that look.

Hayden kept his back to me, refusing to look at me, and I was actually happy about that. I walked down the stairs and out the front door. The tears threatened to spill down and over my cheeks, but I pushed my hands against me eyes, willing them not to cry.

I hated him. I hated him so much.

But, I wished I was him.

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