Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

My life has never been a romance movie, or a comedy movie, or even an action movie. I never got a date to Prom and had a 'special' kiss under the disco ball while we dance to 'our' song. I never pulled pranks on my teachers or did anything outrageous. I never went out of my way to do something super crazy that could lead to bad things happening at the end of it.

If I had to choose a genre for my life, my life would probably be classified as a drama. There is mostly sad parts, but there will be parts to make you laugh. My everyday struggles are struggles other people are facing, sometimes worse, sometimes better. I'm always doing the same thing everyday, so it wouldn't be very exciting.

The part where my life would start to become exciting is when the boys and Sofia showed up. Standing next to them, I saw how pitiful my life actually was. I could see how weak and useless I was compared to them. And I hated it. I hate the feeling of being not as good as them. They had everything, and I had nothing.

I don't mean to make my life sound so bad, because it wasn't always that bad. I have a few people who care about me, but I don't see them very often, so I don't have tons of good memories, but I have some. And I'm somewhat decent looking, so I'm not hideous to look at, so I can't complain about that either.

Upon my return to school the next day, I was promptly informed that I was suspended from the school premises for an entire month. I decided to use that month to work at the diner, so I could make more money, so I could get out of my parent's house faster.

Everyday, Nash, Lance, the twins and Sofia would come to the diner and sit at the table and study. Everyone gave me the notes from the classes we shared and I thanked them, but I tried to keep my distance from them as much as possible.

After dwelling on it for a while, I felt really bad and really guilty for lashing out at Sofia like I had done, but I haven't spoke of it since then. Sofia acts like I never yelled at her, or how I never yelled at her brother and told him how much I hated him. Hayden hasn't come to seen me after that day, but I don't blame him.

As the month progressed, my cuts and bruises had faded into nothing. It was like my beatings never happened, but I was always stalked everyday, but nobody approached me because the boys started walking me home everyday after. When my suspension was finally up, the boys (excluding Hayden) and Sofia came to my house to bring me to school in their car. I wasn't exactly happy about that, but I never voiced my opinion of it. I just let them do whatever they wanted.

Hayden had stopped talking to my completely. He even goes as far as to stop looking in my direction completely. The Black Demons, Hayden's cult, has been doing stuff to me everyday; like ripping my books apart, defacing my locker, removing my desk and chairs, carving stuff into my dek, etc. I could go on all day about it, but they haven't physically harmed me yet. Mostly because I have one of the boys around me at all times.

It's been exactly a month since I returned to school, and Hayden's still being a prick to me, but the boys and Sofia still hang out with me all the time, and sensing this, the cults have begun to stir against each other, mostly the Black Demons (Hayden) and the Dark Angels (Nash) have been squabbling against each other.

Whenever it's lunch or gym class, Hayden would go off with a bunch of girls instead of hanging out with the guys and Sofia. I asked them if Hayden was avoiding them too, or if it was just me he was. Apparently, it was just me, but Hayden stopped going home as often as he used to, so Sofia suspects otherwise.

Sofia thinks that he's out sleeping with whatever girl he could get, but I'm not 100% sure that's exactly what he was doing. Everyday, he would come to school with fresh bruises and cuts on him. Sofia noticed this too, and is worried about him, but she hasn't asked him about it yet.

I was sitting in lunch, talking to Sofia, who I've grown close to since I got back and actually apologized about the way I had acted. She brushed me off and said it was in the past and I just nodded. After that, we learned we had a lot more in common that what we thought, like writing, and now we help each other with our stories, like give advice or read it over to check for mistakes.

Ness came up to our table with her little clique following behind her, like puppies on a tight leash. She gave me a fake smile, one I knew well, and I scowled up at her from my seat.

"Hey Lee-" she started before I cut her off.

"Don't call me Lee. You don't deserve the right to call me that." I snapped at her. Ness sneered at me for a split second before regaining control and plastering on her fake smile again.

"Don't be like that, bestie. Anyways, I need you to come with us." she said.

"Why?" Nash asked. Ness looked at him, speechless for a moment before smiling down at him.

"We need some help on our homework and Lee here is the smartest one in our class." Ness said, and I glared at her. I wish I could glare daggers at her, so, so badly.

"But why don't you ask her to help you here?" Asher asked.

"Unless that isn't what you're after." Archer added.

"Are you still upset Lee broke your nose a couple months ago?" Sofia asked and Ness reached up and, subconsciously, rubbed the bridge of her nose, which had been fixed due to surgery.

"No, that's all in the past now." she said. "And to why I need her to come with me is because we all have our textbooks in our classroom."

Nash stood up, apple in hand. "Alright, so let's all go. I bet I can also help you with your homework." Nash said, smiling like an angel, and all the other boys stood up too. Ness's face fell and I smiled up at her, enjoying this.

"Yeah, Nessie, let's all go." I said, using her old nickname, the one she hated the most. I saw her eye twitch before shaking her head.

"N-No thanks, that's okay. I can ask her tomorrow." she said, quickly, before scurrying off like the rat she was. Sofia laughed and I smiled.

"That was awesome! Did you see her face? Priceless!" Sofia roared in laughter. The boys, except for Lance, who cracked a small smile, joined Sofia in her laughter.

"Thanks, guys, for you help, I mean." I said and they all nodded to me.

"We're your friends, chica." Archer said, smiling.

"We are there to help yah in your time of need." Asher added.

"She was probably going to try and jump you or something." Sofia said and Lance nodded.

"We'll be there to help you when you need it." Nash said. "You are part of our crew now. We got you your matching hoodie and everything!" I laughed at Nash's silliness and looked at the people around me. I didn't feel disconnected to them anymore. They weren't just the boys anymore.

They were my boys.

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