Chapter 5

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Okay, the song has nothing to do with the story, but I thought it was sort of funny and decided to use it. I hope you enjoy! P.S. The picture of Sofia (who you will meet later on in the chapter and will be an important character) 

Chapter 5

Today was terrible. Everywhere I went, I kept getting glared at by all the girls around me. The girls who used to ignore me or send me pity looks, now looked at me with eyes full of hatred. That may have something to do with Hayden sitting next to me in homeroom. Or the twins sitting next to me in first and second period. Or Nash sitting and talking to me in third period, even though I gave him short, curt answers. I didn't dare to ignore him, fearing what might happen.

Or it could be the fact that I was physically pull and forced to sit at their table. I don't mean like 'oh yeah, they want me to sit at their table and they practically begged me to sit with them'. No! I mean the twins literally picked me up and put me in a chair at their table and sat on either side of me, not letting me escape. I could barely stand up without every one of the males watching my movements to see if I was going to bolt or not.

While Nash, Lance and Hayden went up to get their lunch, I was forced to sit with the twins until they got back. When they finally returned, I was allowed to stand up and go get lunch, BUT I was flanked by my prison guards the entire time.

Or! It could also be possibly because they made me play a basketball game with them during gym class. In gym, we were playing basketball... Well, actually, it was more like me hanging off to the side while the boy's played a rough game of basketball. I was supposed to be on Hayden and Lance's team, but I didn't feel like getting trampled over by any of them, so I just passed the ball when I was forced to take it. Hayden and Nash played like wild animals fighting over the ball.

In this version of the game, they were shoving and Nash even punched Hayden in the face. Hayden punched Nash back, but Lance intervened before things could get too carried away. The only time I actually did something was when they need free throw shots and they made me do them, to 'participate'.

After that, in fifth period, I sat with Lance the whole period, but Lance didn't try to force me to conversate with him like the other's tried and I felt comfortable around him. It was almost like I had a big brother, of sorts. In sixth period, I had both Lance and Hayden. Hayden kept blowing in my ear and trying to get me to talk to him again, but I ignored him. Seventh period I had the twins and Nash.

My last period was the most stressful because I had every single one of them in that class. We had to do a group project in it and I really didn't want too.

"Alright, everyone!" the teacher said. "Let's now get into groups of threes." Immediately, I felt hands grab me from all directions.

"She's with us." the twins said in unison.

"Maybe she wants to be with me and Lance." Nash said. Lance shrugged.

"Maybe she wants to be with me." Hayden said, winking at me. My face scrunched up.

"Maybe she doesn't want to be with any of you losers." a female voice said behind us. I turned around and saw a girl glaring at the group of boys that surrounded me.

"Why would you think that?" Hayden asked the girl, raising his eyebrow at her. The girl just rolled her eyes.

"Maybe because she looks like a lost, scared puppy trapped in a game of tug-of-war with a bunch of children. The only one not hounding her is Lance." the girl pointed out, almost bored. Then she looked at me. "Do you want to work with me?"

I quickly nodded my head and scrambled out of my seat and sat down next to her. I didn't want to trapped in that group of boys anymore and this was the first time a female my age has talked to me like I was an actual person. She stuck her hand out to me as I slid into the seat next to her.

"Hi, my name is Sofia Hunter." she said.

"Kaylee August, but you can call me Lee." I said, smiling at her. She laughed and nodded her head.

"Alright, Lee. I see you met the boys." she said, pointing to the boys in front of us. I nodded and she laughed again. "A real rowdy bunch, dontcha think? Lance! You come work with us."

Lance looked over at us and nodded. He got up and Nash began to whine, but Lance ignored him and sat down next to me. Nash ended up joining the twins and Hayden paired up with two blonde bimbos to work with. The girls ended up sitting there, just staring at him, twirling their hair around their perfectly manicured fingers and flirting with him. One of the women was even pushing her breast up against him.

"Disgusting." Sofia muttered. She pulled out a piece of paper to write one. This class was Spanish 4 and the project was whatever we wanted it to be. We had to write and present whatever topic we chose during this class. Plus, everything we had to do had to be completely in Spanish.

"What is?" I asked.

"That." she said, pointing to Hayden and his 'group'. "I really don't want to see a bunch of girls feeling up my brother. That's sick." She made a gagging face and I snorted, but realized what she said.

"Your brother?" I asked, confused. I never heard that Hayden had any siblings. The girls in my class chat about everything, but I don't remember hearing that.

"Yeah, brother." she said, nodding. "I'm a junior, but I take a lot of senior classes. Some of them I have with him, most of them I don't. But, I'm curious on how you got into the group of boys so easily. There are so many girls that would kill to have your spot... Literally."

I knew what she said was meant literally, because people have tried it before. One girl had actually attacked a girl who had gotten closer to Asher while working on a project with him and got sent to jail after that. The girl she attacked lived but was deeply scarred, so she moved to the opposite side of the states, not wanting to risk it anymore.

"Yeah, well I'd be willing to give up my spot to any of those girls." I said and she looked at me confused. Lance leaned over towards us.

"She was getting beaten up in an alleyway and we saved her." Lance muttered to Sofia and her eye's widened.

"What?!?" she said, loudly. This caught the attention of the other boys. The twins and Nash turned around and joined in our group. I saw Hayden turn his head, listening in.

Sofia grabbed my face and started moving it around. "I don't see any marks on you. Did you cover them up?" she asked.

"Yeah, I've been wondering that too." Nash said. He pointed to the side of his face. "I know I saw a bruise forming on your cheek yesterday. That guy was definitely not holding back on you... Oh yeah! What about the cut on your arm?"

Nash reached out and grabbed my left arm before I could react to him. I hissed at him and jumped back and out of my chair. I lightly grabbed the area around my cut, holding it away from them.

"You okay?" Lance asked me quietly, looking sort of worried, but it was hard to tell.

"Yeah, but I would be better if people didn't grab me like that. Especially if they know there was a cut there." I hissed at Nash. He clenched his fist and narrowed his eyes and I could see I was tampering with his switch.

Instead of waiting around to see what was going to happen, I snatched my bag ogg of the ground and ran away from them. Away from the school. Away from the constant stares and glares. I just ran.

Soon, I found myself standing outside my tree fort. I quickly climbed up the small, inconspicuous latter and I sat down in my beanbag. I grabbed my blanket and the nearest book and started to read my problems away.

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