Chapter 4

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Fair warning, this is a longer chapter.

Chapter 4

Beep! Beep! Beep! I almost started crying when I heard the most annoying sound in the entire world come on. Okay, that was a little dramatic, but I stilled hated the sound enough to shoved the alarm off of my nightstand, breaking it so it couldn't make those sounds again.

I rolled over and almost went back to sleep. Key word in that sentence, almost. Not even five minutes later, another loud sound woke me up. "Kaylee!" my mother screamed, the noise probably waking my father up in the process.

I jumped up and looked around my room, panicked and confused. What is she doing here?! She should be at work already! I quickly slipped out of bed and threw on a pair of green cargo pants, a loose white shirt that had one large star and a small star off to the corner and a pair of black high tops. I grabbed my three piece necklace before running downstairs.

"Yes mom?" I asked, quietly. I had to speak quietly around my parents, because one.) my mother hated loud voices, but she raises her voice often and two.) my father is normally hungover in the morning and loud sounds give him a headache.

"I want food." she said. She was sitting in the dining room, reading this morning's newspaper. I looked at her and saw she was in her 'home' clothes, so I was guessing she didn't have work today.

I walked into the kitchen and made a bunch of sunny side-up eggs, pancakes and five pieces of toast. I ate one egg, one small pancake and a piece of toast while everything was cooking. Thankfully, neither my parents enter the kitchen, so I could eat food if I wanted too, but I had to be careful and make sure there is still enough groceries.

After I was done cooking, I filled two cups full of orange juice and brought out both plates. I heard my father stumble down the stairs, like most mornings. He either woke up enraged or still slightly drunk, but enough to be stumbling around.

"Is my food ready?" he muttered gruffly. I nod to my father and walked back to the kitchen. I looked out and saw them eating, quietly, so I took this time to scramble up the stairs and into my room. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my wild hair.

I couldn't take a shower due to the glue, so I just got some water and ran it through my hair, making it slightly more neater. My hair used to long and pretty, but an "accident" forced me to cut it.

Towards the end of freshman year, Michael, Whitney, Cher, Ness, and John, Ness's boyfriend (at the moment), decided it would be fun to "play a prank" on me. Casically Ness faked trying to become my friend again and I went along with it because I genuinely thought she was trying, but I soon realized she wasn't. She brought me out behind the gym and as we were passing the gym storage doors, John grabbed me and pulled me into the storage room.

After I was pulled it, I saw the rest of the group and Ness blocked the door, smiling like the evil bitch she is. And that's also when I noticed Whitney holding a pair of scissors in her right hand. I wanted to cry, fearing what they were going to do with the scissors, but I didn't want to look weak, so I stood their expressionless. They cut off some of my hair, but the gym teacher came and caught us.

I snatched the scissors from Whitney's hands and I finished the job they couldn't. They didn't get in trouble, because Cher is the daughter of the principal, so they got off with a warning. I stopped caring as much about what they thought of me, but I got my revenge.

I actually broke into each and everyone of their houses. Using the same scissors they used on me, I cut their hairs too. For the girls, I cut them just a little longer than what mine was and the guys I cut off pieces of their hair, so they would have to shave it off. But, the next day, the girls came into school with hair extensions in and the guys shaved their head for 'football' season, so the plan backfired on me.

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