Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Let's do it." Nash said.

"Bring it." I said, smiling. This was the most fun I've had in awhile. Hayden got and left before Nash started. He headed in the direction of the kitchen, but I wasn't really paying close attention.

Nash decided to do a Dubstep song. He started out slow and kept going like that for about twenty seconds, then he went faster. At about fifty seconds in, he slid over to us and put his foot on the couch, where Hayden used to sit. Then, he went back to doing his thing.

After he was done, I nodded. "Not bad." I said.

"Not bad?" he asked. "I was awesome!" He slapped hands with the twins in some weird handshake kind of way that boys do all the time.

"Don't get too full of yourself or else you might end up losing to me." I said. Since Nash went Dubstep, it would only be right if I did Dubstep too. I chose my song from my playlist and started to dance. My movements were sort of similar to his, but not exactly the same.

"Nice job." the twins said, nodding.

"Not bad." Nash said, smiling.

"Not bad? She was terrible!" a female voice shrilled behind me. I frowned and turned to the banchee who insulted me.

She was the stereotypical blonde girl. She wore a short blue skirt (if you called that a skirt. It looks more like a pair of underwear) with a blue blue belt, a cropped white tank top with her breast pushing out of the top of it, and bright pink high heels. Her hair was like Dolly Parton's hair, pushed up and curled around her face.

"Excuse me?" I asked, glaring at the fake blonde and her bad tanning job. She just smiled at me, her white teeth contrasting against her almost orangish skin.

"Oops. Did I say that out loud?" she asked, trying to be cutesy and it was more annoying than anything.

I snarled at her and stepped towards her. "Yeah, you did. Would you like to repeat that statement?" I asked, my voice tight and my anger was dripping off every word. The reason I was so angry was because I LOVED dancing more than anything and I didn't want to be told by some fake princess that I was terrible.

"You were terrible. I've seen better dance moves from my paralyzed cat." she said, smiling so sickly sweet. I snapped.

I lunged at the Barbie-wannabe, but a pair of arms grabbed me. I growled and clawed at the arms to break free and attack the fake blonde in front of me, smiling like she owned the world.

"Put away your claws, kitten." Nash hissed in my war. I stopped scratching him, but I kept glaring at the girl, waiting for Nash to let me go, so I could scratch her eyes out next.

Hayden walked back into the room and froze in his tracks when he saw the scene in front of him. When the faker noticed him, she screeched like a banshee again and lunged at the stuned Hayden. Hayden didn't move to hug the fake girl or push her away. He seemed very indecisive.

"Hay baby! I've missed you!" she screeched (A/N: No 'Hay' isn't a typo. I meant it that way. "Hay"den.). She pulled back some and trailed her finger down his chest. "When are we going to have some more fun?" My lip twitched.

Hayden finally seemed to come out of his trance when her fingers got a little too far down there. He grabbed her finger before they could reach any lower on his pants and pushed her out to arm's reach.

"What are you doing here, Zoey?" he asked her, frowning.

"I came to see you silly." she said. She rolled her eyes and tried to hug him again, but he sidestepped her.

"Nash, let me go." I said, looking back at Nash. Nash looked at me, and reluctantly, he let me go. I walked over to the stereo and unplugged my phone from it. I pushed it into my front pant's pocket and I pulled off Sofia's jacket. I walked over to Sofia and handed her the jacket. "Thanks for letting my borrow this. I'll let myself out."

"Don't go, Lee." Sofia whimpered, but didn't make any moves to stop me as I walked towards the front door.

"Where are you going, little firecracker?" Hayden's voice called after me. I pulled the door open and looked back at him. Zoey finally managed to worm her way past his defense and latch onto his side again. She didn't look bad standing next to him, even if you couldn't see an ounce of her real face behind the twenty pounds of junk of in.

"I gotta go home, Casanova. It'll give you some free time to go have some 'fun'." I said, putting quotes around fun. Before anyone could say anything else, I walked out of the house, shutting the door behind me.

I plugged my earbuds in my phone and started blaring my music as I started to walk home. I wanted to block out the world around me. For once in my life, I was having fun and it finally felt like I had friends, but that's all over with now. I won't be going back to that house, that's a promise.

*Sorry for the shortness! 

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