You Are Home With Me, Right Where You Belong

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Brandon POV

Brandon awoke, he heard people moving around the house already. The first thing he thought of was Callie and the kiss.  He knew he had to talk to her about what happened, even though Brandon knew this created a mess with the adoption and everything, he couldn't help but hope a little that it meant what he thought it did. That she felt the same way about him as he did about her.

Down in the kitchen everyone was gathering for breakfast, Stef and Lena were cooking, Jesus was setting the table and Jude was sitting down. Brandon looked at Jude, Jude shot an angry look right back at him. Brandon could see he was mad. Marianna appeared but still no sign of Callie.

Stef- alright everyone ready to eat, wait where's Callie?

Marianna- I don't know, she wasn't in our room when I woke up

Lena- she's probably in the bathroom

Jesus- she can't be, I was just in there a minute ago

Brandon POV

that's weird where is she, just then he sees a note on the fridge, he moves from his seat and takes it off the fridge.

Brandon- mom look

Stef takes the note from Brandon and reads it out load.

Dear Fosters, I'm sorry I had to leave like this but after what I have done I know I can never be a part of this family. Thank you for everything you have done for me.      Callie

You Are Home With Me, Right Where You BelongWhere stories live. Discover now