It's Not Where You Come From

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Callie POV

I was riding in Bill's car headed to who knows where. He still hadn't told me where I was going to end up. The goodbye at the house had been painful. Jude cried so hard, I tried to ease him by telling him we would see each other again soon, even though I didn't know if that would ever happen. but it didn't work he just hugged me and kept crying, finally Lena took him and held him while I left. Brandon didn't come downstairs after we had said goodbye, I was glad he didn't it would have just made things harder for both of us.

Callie- Where are you taking me?

Bill- I tried to find another foster home for you, but with everything happening so short of notice, I couldn't find anyone to take you in. so I'm afraid you will have to stay at a group home until I find something better.

Callie- okay

they continued to ride in silence for the remainder of the time. I realized I wasn't afraid of going to a group home, I was more afraid of what I was leaving behind.

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