I Will Always Pick You Up

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Callie POV

I was sitting on the side of the road, I kept hearing scary sounds all around me. I was so cold and afraid. a car pulls up and shines it's headlights at me, I get up, Brandon gets out of the car and comes towards me

Callie- Brandon

Brandon- are you okay

Callie shakes her head no

Brandon puts his hand on her shoulder and points her towards the car

Brandon- come on

they get into the car, once in the car Brandon drives into a parking lot and parks

Brandon- I'm glad you called me

Callie- I didn't know what else to do, Oh God Brandon I have hit rock bottom.

Brandon- what happened

Callie- I didn't have any money, and I was hungry, there was no work. so I met this girl and she was a hooker and she told me that if I did it too I could make enough money to get by, so I went with her, I was just so desperate.

Brandon- Oh Callie... tell me.. tell me you didn't..

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