If Your Feeling Down Or Weak

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Callie POV

I woke up to the sound of a dog barking, it was the most horribly terrifying night of my life. I walked to a drug store that was open early across the street, the store was practically empty when I walked in, I asked the cashier where the bathroom was, she gave me a very strange look and pointed towards the back of the store. when I got in the bathroom and looked in the mirror I could see why she looked at me so weird, my hair was a mess matted with dirt, my face had splashes of mud on it and my shirt was torn on the side.

Brandon POV

I woke up when I heard my mom knocking on my door, Stef came in

Stef- Time to get up, everyone's going to school today

Brandon- I don't want to go today

Stef- you have to go

Brandon- what about Callie?

Stef- no sign of her, the police are looking. We did everything we could B, now we just have to wait

Callie POV

I was so hungry, I had been to three different places looking for a job so I could get some money, none of them were hiring, I was so desperate for food she stole a bag of chips from a convenience store. I just started walking down the street not knowing where to go or what to do.

a girl walks up next to Callie

Becca- Hey

Callie- Hey

Becca- my names Becca

Callie- Callie

Becca- I heard you were looking for work back there

Callie- yeah no one's hiring

Becca- well I no where you could get a job if your willing

Callie- really?

Becca- follow me

Brandon POV

I went to school but it was all just a blur through the classes, I got to 3rd period and was done, done trying to pretend I was okay, done making small talk, done listening to everyone else's stupid problems. Talya knew something was wrong with me too, she keep trying to talk to me but I just kept shutting her out, she knew Callie was missing but I hadn't even told her about the kiss yet. Right now I wasn't feeling sad, I was feeling angry so I took off and ditched school, I didn't even try to sneak out I just walked away not caring what people thought anymore!

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