Chapter Three

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When I got home from the mall that day, I looked through my clothes to decide what to wear on Monday to school. I wasn't having any luck finding anything, so I sent Ashley pictures of each outfit and asked her which one I should wear.


OMG definitely wear the pink dress. Its supposed to be warm monday anyways.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. and how should I do my hair?


Wear it down and curl it. sooo... are you like back? not dead anymore?


I guess so. I'm more pissed off than sad now.


Yeah haha sam told me what you did at the food court... And I died laughing at Jayden's status!!


oh god ctfu she posted a status about it???!!


Yes! haha okkkk I gtg text me later.



I decided to kill time and watch some TV. When I turned it on, an older movie was on. I've seen it before, but I forgot what it was called, and being the lazy girl I am, I was too lazy to read what movie it was.

As I was watching it, something in my head clicked. The girl in the movie was trying to get back at her boyfriend, by dating some other guy. In the end, she and the other guy actually wound up liking each other. Wait, did she pay the other guy? I couldn't remember... But I knew exactly what I was going to do. I had found what I had been looking for.

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