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I already went to Prom last year, when I was a junior. But this year I'm a senior, and nothing is amazing as the senior prom. Today I spent all afternoon getting my hair and makeup done. After searching for hours, I finally found a dress that I can't breathe in, because I feel so special in it. It's strapless, flowy, and a dark blueish-purple color that is bedazzled at the top.

We didn't take a limo or anything like in the movies; we took his car, and he was smiling like crazy the whole ride there. Maybe taking pictures earlier with our families got him as excited as he is now. We showed up around seven, and met in line with Sam, Claire, and Ashley and their dates. It's amazing to say that we've remained friends all these years.

Prom started off kind of slow, but now it's amazing. Because now here I stand, in the middle of a dance floor filled with teenagers who don't care about who you were all of high school; the moment we share now is all that matters.

I look to my left, and there I see Todd. He smiles and waves at me, and I do the same. But he turns back to Valerie, his girlfriend for the past year and a half. I look straight ahead at all of my friends, who I've never seen so happy and crazy before. They've had their ups and downs with boys and other problems, but here they are, at my side.

Now I look to my right, at the person who is holding my hand and brings me closer to him. In September of my sophomore year, we were so afraid to talk to each other. We hung out once and started texting. By October that year, I could not have been happier, until it all changed one Tuesday. A month later in November, we didn't talk and I was a mess, until I started going out with Todd. By December, we still didn't talk, but he talked about me. By January, we were starting the year off rough with that fight over me, but then we actually started talking again. In February, after five months of so much, we finally ended up together. Here I am now, in Brandon's arms, and I can never get tired of this feeling. It's been almost three years, but I still fall in live with him more and more everyday.

Someday you will be in my shoes, watching the confusion before your eyes. You don't know who to love and who be with. It's only high school, but we all get like that. Why? We're teenage girls, that's why. Don't get so messed up over a guy, because I'll tell you this: some days suck, some days are amazing, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

My stupid, sixteen-year-old self wanted to plot revenge over Brandon Dowey. Did I do it? Did I use Todd? No, that plan backfired, because I really did love Todd. That right there was another heartbreak, but without that, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

I have only had two real relationships my whole life. I was the girl who spent years not even talking to guys. I can't tell you why it was like that. I was normal, I was fairly pretty, and I had a good future ahead of me. Rejection was all I knew, and that's why I was so afraid to meet someone new and get to know them, because I knew how it would end. You can call me the Breakup Girl, because breakups and heartbreaks were all I ever knew.

Those things are good, you know. Because without all those tears and bad days, you will never find that person who takes your breath away. That person who you will fall in love with all their little things, day after day. That person who will change your life. That person who you will never ever forget. No, without heartbreaks and breakups, you wouldn't end up finally feeling relieved like I do right now. You wouldn't have found him. You wouldn't have found your Brandon.

But I did.

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