Chapter Four

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I spent a long time getting ready on Monday because I wanted to look the best I possibly could. I had spent the last two weeks wearing hoodies, sweatpants, and throwing my hair into ponytails. But, Paige Rimes had to make a comeback and show everybody that she wouldn't let some stupid high school boy get to her.

A lot of people looked at me and noticed that I actually looked presentable again, and a lot of the girls hugged me and complimented my hair.

I smiled as I opened my locker, and then I looked out of the corner of my eye at Brandon Dowey at his locker. I gagged in my mouth a little and continued putting my books away. Then, I slammed my the door shut when I saw Jayden start talking to him.

"Damn Paige," I heard someone mumble when they heard me attack my locker.

Man, this boy really brought out the crazy in me. I made my way to homeroom and tapped my fingers anxiously. I just wanted to get through the day. What was my plan? I didn't even know. That's when I had another one of those click moments when I saw a boy standing in the doorway.

"Oh, come in, Todd." Mrs. Clips said.

The boy and my teacher were talking and she signed a paper of his. He had short, brown hair that swept a little bit on his forehead, but in a cute way. He wore jeans and had on a striped T-Shirt, that showed his muscular arms and chest. He had big blue eyes and an adorable smile.

"Okay, um, who is that?" I whispered to Penny, who sat next to me.

"You're kidding, right?" Her jaw dropped.

"I swear, Pen, who is he?" I shook my head.

"That's Todd. He's new. He's been here since since last week."

"I've never seen him before." I said, looking at him. He was really cute.

"He's in our math!" She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you kidding? I guess I've been so upset that I've never realized him." I shrugged.

"He's really nice and cool. He's talked about you before." She grinned.

My eyes went wide. Okay, now she had to be kidding.

"Are you serious?" I asked her.

"Nope, he's tried talking to you before," She went on. "you've just been so out of it that he always gets scared."

"Oh, God, I feel horrible." I groaned.

The bell rang and I gathered my books and said goodbye to Penny. Let me tell you something, first period gym absolutely sucks. Really. We were playing volleyball so I get into it more than most girls. When I made my way to the locker room, I saw Jayden talking to some of my friends.

"Yeah, so he randomly came up and scared me at the mall! It was so funny!" She stupidly laughed and toyed with her hair.

She dragged so out so it sounded like sooooo. Ugh, I hated her. I hated that sound she made when she chewed her gum so obnoxiously, and her laugh just sounded like pure stupidness.

"Aw, but that's so cute! Why was he by himself?" Kelsey asked.

"Oh, he wasn't. He was with Tyler and Brett, but then he told them he was going to chill with me for a little." Jayden replied.

At this point, I was on the verge of throwing up. It was jealously. I didn't like that Jayden got him and I didn't. Jayden had everything handed to her. I wish I was the one who held his hand, and laughed with him, and got to be his best friend. It wasn't fair.

"Girls! Line up!" Mrs. Barter howled in her deep voice. She was really tough and... big. Yeah, she scared the shit out of me.

We lined up and some of my friends asked if I was okay, but I just nodded and said I was fine. We made our way to the gym, where we jumped right into a game of volleyball. As we got into our teams, I was handed the ball to serve, and I knew exactly where I was going to aim.

The whistle blew, and I served the ball high up. On the opposite team, everyone screamed, "Jayden! Jayden, get it!"

Jayden looked up from her fingernails with an oblivious expression, right as the ball smacked her on the head. She fell over, like the exaggerating drama queen she is, and whined, "Mrs. Barterrrrrrrr!!"

Mrs. Barter rolled her eyes and helped Jayden up, and then sent her to the nurse to get her out of there. I chuckled silently to myself. Some of my other teammates quietly thanked me. It seemed like everyone hated her as much as I did.

"Nice hit," a boy whispered in my ear.

It was an unfamiliar voice. I turned around and saw him. It was Todd. He was in my gym, too? How oblivious had I been?

"Thanks," I whispered back.

The whistle blew and we got back in our positions. The whole time, though, I was too busy looking at the new boy.

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