The Breakup Girl

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I'm currently writing this nearly two years after I posted this story! I've completely edited it all, so I hope that it's much better now than the original. (Oh who am I kidding the original was even more terrible that this is now)

This story was written a long time ago, and this really isn't my normal writing style. What I mean is that usually my writing is more advanced than this, and it has definitely improved over the past two years.

I joined Wattpad nearly two years ago. My two other books are Girly Tip Books that I'm probably going to edit soon since there are most likely a LOT of grammatical errors in there. Please follow my account @lastofdays since I am probably going to post something soon! I haven't posted in almost a year, but I am still active on Wattpad and I read all my messages. Feel free to message me if you have a problem or need help with anyting!

Thank you for reading!

Love always,

The Breakup GirlWhere stories live. Discover now