Chapter 8

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Violette's POV (autocorrect doesn't like the name Violette lol)

'So where would you be taking me out so I can dress for the occasion?' You send Alex after calming down from your earlier 'rampage'. 'I was thinking we could just have a 'sleepover' at my place and just chill as bf and gf. I read that couples sleeping over builds trust.' He sends back. 'So over sized comfy clothes, right? Time and date?' You send Alex before going through Instagram to look at cute things to sleep in. 'I'm free tonite, hbu' the message flickers above the screen and into the notifications bar. 'I'm free, I'm at {enter an address in here}, pick me up when u like' You send Alex.

"I hope you don't mind Anna but I said for Alex to pick me up here. Is that ok? I mean I can teleport to his place if you mind." You say to Anna. "Nah it's cool, I mean it's the princess's mate for crying out loud, of course I don't freaking mind!" She says laughing and you laugh with her. 'If I were to pick u up rn we could spend some time in town and then head to my place, if u want that is' Alex proposes to you. 'Kk. I'll meet u at Gloria Jean's. See ya there in 10' You send to Alex and change my clothes to a blue flower dress and white flats. "Hey I'm going see you later!" You say to Anna before teleporting to the cafe.


"How did you get here so fast?! You must of taken ages to get here from Anna's!" Alex says sitting down at the table you were sitting at. 'I can teleport... It's one of my many talents...' You text Alex to reply his question, knowing if you were to say it out loud it would cause unwanted attention.

"Your dress is nice" Alex says after a few moments of staring at each other in silence. "A-And you look really pretty too, I'm kind of glad that, well, I get such an awesome person as my mate" Alex says blushing. You feel your cheeks turn bright red, and Alex places his hand on yours that was sitting on the chair.

"Violette..." Alex says to you and you turn your head to him. "Hm" You hum to him in a tone of recognition. "I-I like you, like like you, for longer than I knew we would be mates. J-Je t-t'aime." (I love you) He stutters, his cheeks bright red and his hand going through his hair. "Je t'aime aussi." (I love you too) You say as his cheeks turn a even brighter red then before. You give him a smile and he returns it.

"Close your eyes, trust me..." Alex's tells you and you close your eyes. He takes your right hand and encloses it in his. You feel him slip on something thin and cool onto your middle finger. You then feel him wrap his arms around your neck and fiddle with something like a clasp and then remove his hands.

"Ok, you can open your eyes now" Alex says as you look down to your hand and see a promise ring. It's a silver band with the word 'promise' engraved all around it. In the center of the ring there is a small cluster of white diamonds. You look at the necklace and you see it's a locket in the shape of a heart which is accompanied by a coating of pink diamonds on the outside's front. You open the locker and see a tiny scroll of cream coloured paper. You roll it out and it says 'I will never leave you' in fancy linked font. "D-Do you like it?" Alex asks holding onto your hands. You look up from the necklace to Alex's face, which has a weak smile. "Like it? I fcking love it Alex! There is no way I could thank you, I'm so lucky to have a mate like you." You say before giving Alex a kiss on the cheek. Although you are wearing lipstick, you enchanted it earlier so that it left no marks on any surface.

His cheeks turn red and you both are staring at each other when you both hear a scream near you. You glance at the door and there's a blonde girl dressed in slutty clothes pointing at you and Alex standing in the doorway of the cafe. "I'm your mate Alex! We both know it that I love you and Moon Goddess made us mates! Who is that bitch?!" She shrieks at you and Alex and you give her the bird. "Monique, we are not mates and the Moon Goddess did not make us mates. I in fact have found my mate, and it's Violette, not you! Face the cruel world Monique and accept things that can't be changed. You-" He says but you cut him off. "Hi, I'm Violette, what's your name? Wait, I know what it is, Bitchy McBitch Face I presume." You say with a large portion of sarcasm in your voice. "You actually think that your Alex's mate?!" She says staring you down. "Bitch where, I KNOW I'm Alex's mate. Now you better leave before I send you back in time to the Greek era and then transport you to the arena and make you fight against lions. Ok boo?" You say, knowing you won the battle. "This isn't the last time you will see me Violette!" She yells before leaving the cafe. The rest of the cafe that were once watching had now returned to their own interactions. "Alex, I would like to go to your house now." You say to him  and he takes your hand and leads you out of the café towards his house.

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