Chapter 9

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Violette's POV

"Violette, time to get ready for school." Alex says to you, gently shaking you. "Five more minutes..." You groan and roll over, nearly landing on the floor, but Alex catches you in his arms. You snuggle into the warmth. You hear Alex carry you into the bathroom in his room. You hear taps spill water into the bath, and then stop after a while. Alex gently lowers you into the water, and as the frozen water touches your skin you yelp and jump out of Alex's arms, landing into the bath face first. You hear Alex run to leave laughing, but you lock the door and it hits him in the face. You stand/float in the bath, drenched, and look at him with a devilish smirk. You take the water and trap Alex in a ball from the water in the bath tub. After a few seconds of trapping Alex in a bubble, you realise that you're killing your mate and you make the bubble quickly dissolve around Alex and you collapse into the bath, tears pouring from your eyes. "Violette... I'm so fcking sorry..." Alex says holding onto the sink, trying to catch his breath. "You shouldn't be the sorry one, I let my power over take me, I'm so deeply sorry Alex. Here." You say staring at your knees, waving your hand towards Alex's body, changing his body from a soaked state, to a ready for school state. You even did his hair the way he styles it.

"Violette..." He says walking towards you with his arms out.

"Don't touch me!" You yell at him as he reaches for you. "Just leave me alone." You say as more tears flow down your face. You don't look at him as you hear the door open and close. 'Just over a morning prank Violette?!' You say to your self, stepping out of the bath and changing your clothes to a black strappy singlet, black skinny jeans and an off the shoulder white-with-black-spots jumper. You wear black leather ankle boots with decent sized heels with the ends of your jeans messily tucked into them. You style your hair into a messy bun. You do your makeup, foundation, gold eyeshadow, black mascara, and a deep red lip stain. You conjure a small handbag, and put into it a laptop, portable charger with the right cords and the lip stain. You conjure a rose gold iPhone 6 Plus with a clear case that protects your phone from anything and some earphones. You put your playlist of music onto it (playlist up there ^^^) and load all of the types of social media onto it. You walk out of Alex's room and into the kitchen/dining room, where Molly and Derek are making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.

"Hi Violette, can I speak to you for a second?" Molly asks and you follow her out of the kitchen. "Are you nervous, you took ages to get ready this morning. You'll be fine, you being you." She says with her hands on her shoulder. 'You being you' repeats in your mind from last night. "Thanks for your consideration, but I'm fine, really. I mean, it's just high school, where your follower amount on Instagram depends how popular you will be within the students. But I'll be used to not fitting in, it's been like that my entire life." You say before floating back to the table with a smile on your face. A smile that shows pain.

"Here!" Derek says, putting a pancake on the plate in front of you, and then on Alex's, who you can sense he is trying not to look at you. "Merci mais non merci." (Thanks but no thanks) You say, pushing the plate away. You put your earphones in and start playing your music playlist loudly. "Violette, I'll be taking you, Alex and Ella to school in ten, be ready." Molly says, going to check on Ella whom no one has seen all morning. "Je désolé Alex, pour ce matin." (I'm sorry Alex, for this morning) You say staring at your phone. Suddenly you hear a chair bang on the floor next to you, and an arm wraps itself around your shoulders, making you flinch and snap your head to Alex, who is now right next to you. "Ne vous inquiétez pas à ce sujet Violette." (Don't worry about it Violette) Alex says before kissing your forehead. "Time to go everyone!" Molly says holding onto Ella with one arm and her bag with the other. You all walk out of the house and into Molly's car, and go to school.


"Bye you too, Violette I don't want to have to pick you up early on your first day!" Molly says to you as you're about to get out of the car. "I'll try not to, it's not my fault if everyone's threatening me!" You joke as you hop out of the car and catch up to Alex. "My parents should of gotten you enrolled last night, they know the principal here really well, their all like a grown up squad." He says as you both walk to the office. "I-I'm here to get my schedule, my name is Violette, with a double t e on the end." You say to the staff person in the office and they get your schedule.  You walk out of the room focusing on memorising your schedule, before bumping into someone or something. "Sorry!" You say looking up at the person you bumped into. In front of you stands a senior girl with her squad. She's dressed in tight clothing, like most of her friends. "Watch where you're going, and your outfit is like, really cute." She says before you push through her squad, earning a bunch of 'ugh!' noises from group. You walk to a bench and sit by your self while Alex talks to his own werewolf squad. "Hey.." A male voice says as a senior boy comes and sits next to you. Because he sat so close to you, (evading your personal space so much you can smell his cologne radiating of his body) you shuffle away from him, but he persists by moving over and draping an arm around your shoulders. "Hey, I don't bite.." He says. 'Fck dis pervërt.' You say in your mind to yourself and you slide under his arm and then float in the air behind him, clusters of purple energy in your hands. "But I do..." You say mischievously before you over come with realisation. "Hi, I'm Violette! I can be easily pissed off at someone and I can easily kill you, being not like everyone else. I'm a cluster of magic energy formed to be a normal teenage girl. I won't fit in anywhere I go because I am an animagus, a witch, a demon, a werewolf, and me! So if you don't have anything nice or complimenting to say to me, simply, fck off! Au revoir chiennes!" (Bye bye bitches!) You say to the large crowd of students before flying over to the top of the tallest building and sitting on the ledge, tears pouring down your face as you listen to your blasting music.

You get up of the ledge and make a Bluetooth speaker and pair it with your phone and start playing Heathens by Twenty One Pilots and you dance to it. Even though students are filling into the classes below you, your music still plays onto the roof, and most likely into the class below you. The song changes to Peanut Butter Jelly by Galantis and you go back to sit on the ledge when someone grabs your left wrist. You flinch and turn to the person who grabbed it, and see Alex. "You dance really well, Violette." Alex says as tears start to flow from your eyes. "Don't cry, it will be ok." He says as you cry into his shirt, which gets no tear stains. Alex lifts up your chin and stares into your eyes, that still have tears flowing from them, and then kisses you, taking you by surprise. You soften and deepen the kiss. He licks your bottom lip, asking for entrance and you let his tongue roam the inside of your mouth. "Alex... Not here.." You say after you pull away. The bell rings and you fix your smudged makeup. "Ok my 'first' class today is Maths at C27, great. We only get lunch! Are you kidding me! Oh well, I best prepare for the worst." You say as you put your schedule into your bag and straighten your clothes. "I have MDT, see ya." (Woodwork) Alex says as he goes down the fire exit at the side of building. You run and jump off the building, heavily landing on the ground. You conjure a maths book that changes to whatever grade you need it to be when you walk into class. You don't care what the other people think, in fact you sense that some boys are checking you at. "Hi, you're the new girl, right?" A girls walks up to you and says. "Umm... Unless someone else came today, yeah. I'm Violette, it's nice to meet you!" You say with a smile on your face. "I'm Ashley, I saw what happened earlier, feel free to hang out with my squad later, we have like, a multi power squad so you would fit in well. We'll see ya!" Ashley says and then walks away to her friends. A group of werewolves and demons and somehow an angel.


You made your way through the day, ignoring stares and whispers as you floated from class to class. The teachers were nice, until you took your seat and practically disappeared.

"How was your first day honey?" Molly asks when you and Alex get into her car. "Horrible." You reply staring out the window with a headache. You wave your hand over your head and heal it. "Everyone found out my powers, and the teachers forgot I was there when I took my seat. The class should be called 'a group of attention seekers' but at least a few people were nice. It was sooooo boring, cause I knew all the answers, I need to be taken up a grade." You say before sighing. Alex takes your hand and squeezes it and you smile, still staring out the window.


You, Alex, Molly and Ella arrive at Alex's house. You disapparate your bag and collapse onto the couch. Alex sits next to you and you rest your head on his shoulder, and you hear a few sighs from the kitchen. You entwine your fingers with Alex's and cuddle closer to him. You breathe a sigh of relief. "Alex, can we just not move for a while?" You ask. "Sure." He replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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