A Different Kind of Abuse

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Blaise's POV

I was astounded when I heard Harry say that. How could anyone deserve to be beaten? i wanted to ask, but I sensed that Harry had already told enough for tonight.

"Blaise?" asked Harry's voices softly, “Why are you so skinny?"

"I-It's a long story..." I trailed, nervous to tell my story.

"You can tell us anything." said Nott.

"Well..." I said, taking a deep breath "You know how I've had a lot of stepfathers, right?"

"Yes," they all said in unison.

"Some of them have been... less than nice."

"Did they starve you?" grunted Crabbe.

"No! It's not like that. From the day I was born my mother pounded it into my head, "looks are more  

important than anything.". i didn't question it, I knew we only had things because my mother is beautiful. So she churned through husband after husband, and as soon as I got used to the new one I was at his funeral. There was one that I really hated though, his name was Darren. He was more obsessed with looks than I was. He thought he was the hottest thing to walk the earth, and that I was some ugly @*#$ who lives in the bottom of a loo.

"Loser, freak, squib, lardtard... those were the things he called me. Mostly they were centered around my weight. I had never thought I was fat before, but it seemed that every insult he screamed at me added another pound to my waist. I went on a diet, I just wanted to please him and make the insults stop."

I took a deep breath, holding back my tears and continued on with my story.

"Darren had me so convinced that I was fat that I thought I wasn't losing enough wieght by just dieting, so I took it to another level.

Slowly I began to eat less and less. My mother noticed that something was wrong, and tried to send me to a wizard counsellor but I refused. i said i saw nothing wrong with the way I was eating.

I know there is though. i know it isn't healthy, but after eating a normal sized meal, I just feel so... unworthy. Like I just did something wrong and i have to make up for it. So everytime I eat normally I go to the bathroom and throw it up until there is nothing left in my stomach. I don't eat for days after. I also use diet potions. I have two or three every day."

"Blaise, those are really unhealthy, even just one." said Malfoy.

"I know, but I can't stop. I just . . . can't."


"No one is hopeless Blaise." said Harry.


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