Conversations of The Heart

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Healing Harry’s Heart

Chapter 12

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Harry’s POV

   I was tentative about having Ginny baby-sit Zach, but I knew he had to get used to being around other people. For the past five years, Zach had only seen four different people, and he was struggling with the vast amount of children here at Hogwarts was frightening for him.

   The only reason I had relented and let her take him was that he needed a mother figure in his life. His own mother was prone to hitting him with frying pans, and starving him, so I figured she wasn’t setting a good example. Zach deserved somebody that would cuddle with him, and take care of him. I could only take some of that responsibility, and besides, there were still some things that only a mom could do.

   It still didn’t stop me from worrying non-stop about him, and trying to escape from my dorm, while Crabbe and Goyle held me back.

“It’ll be good for him,” Said Crabbe, “you can’t take care of him forever.”

   I could hear Draco saying something about how his mother pulled him out of panic attacks, but I was too worried about Zach to listen closely, or at least until Draco walked over a slapped me.

“What was that for?!” I yelled at him, and he shrugged his shoulders, “You looked like you were panicking, and my mother always slaps me when I panic.” I looked at him oddly as he held out his hand to drag me off my bed.

“C’mon,” he said, “We’re getting out of here before you tear the dorms apart.”

   Draco pulled me outside, and I reluctantly followed him down to the lake. When we had reached our destination, we sat in the shade of a beach tree on the shore. For a few moments we were silent, but then I finally built up the courage to ask him what had been bugging me since I got resorted.

“Draco,” I asked, “How can you be so obviously gay without the rest of the houses finding out?”

“The other houses only see what they want to see, and that means they see me as the Slytherin Sex-God. They think I’m snarky, and mean, and I’m content to let them think that.”

“But why?”  asked, “People would be so less mean to the Slytherins, if they only knew who you guys really are!”

   Draco frowned at me, “Do you want everybody to know your past?” he asked, “Or what about Zach? Do you want everybody to know that he was continuously beaten by his own father for the past five years?”

“Of course not!” I said, “I would never want that!”

“Well,” said Draco, “That’s how we feel. We’re safe behind our Slytherin masks, and if we told everybody about ourselves, there would be too many variables, too many things that could go wrong.”

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