Discovering the Truth

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This is a really short chapter, but it's just to fill you in on how ginny and snape are doing and how they feel about all this stuff. sooooooo...... enjoy.


Ginny's POV

The girls in my year weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. I assumed they would be rude and demeaning to me because of my family. They weren't. They were reasonably nice to me. I could tell that it might take a while, but we would become friends. We walked to the great hall slowly, and I listened to their mindless chatter in fascination..

"ohmygod!" squeeled Astoria, "Draco is sooo hot!!!"

"Yah!" snorted Daphne, "to bad he's gay!"

"He's not gay!" protested Daphne's best friend Silvestra, "he's just sensitive."

I nearly tripped over my own feet, "Sensitive?! Since when is Draco Malfoy sensitive?!"

"Well," smiled Astoria coyly, "Perhaps sensitive isn't the right word, he's more... Well, let's just say is he was a muggle, he'd be an interior designer."

I snorted loudly, and entered the great hall. Hermione smiled at me from the Ravenclaw table, and then went back to talking exuberantly with Roger Davies, but when I looked for Ron I couldn't see him. I hope he wasn't to mad about me being re-sorted into Slytherin.

"Looking for your boy-friend?" asked Felicity, my last room-mate.

"No!" I protested, "I'm looking for my brother!:

:Same thing." she smirked, and I felt my face turn red.

"WHAT?!" I shrieked, and she held her hands up in the air, "Just joking."

I grumbled, but followed her over to the Slytherin table. I'd have to be more careful if I didn't want people to find out about my secret. Whhen I sat down, I noticed that the other girls were whispering to each other, and kept glancing over at Draco once in a while.

"Wow." I huffed, "You guys really are obssessed with him, aren't you?"

"No!" protested Daphne, "We're just discussing how long it'll take before he makes a move on Harry."

"SHut up." I scowled, "Harry and Draco aren't going to go ut."

"How do you know?" she taunted, "and why is it so important to you anyways? Worried that yuo're going to lose you're boyfriend?"

I pulled outo my wand, and pointed it at her, "Shut up."

"Why should I-AHHHHH!" she screeched, as I cursed with a well placed bat-bogey hex. The other girls stared at me for a few seconds, then burst out into fits of laughter.

"Nice one Ginny!" chuckled Astoria

"Yeah," said Felicity, "I didn't think you had it in you."

I smiled evily at them, then turned back to my breakfast. About thirty seconds later, a a large shadow appeared over my plate. I loocked up, and my eyes were met with the onyx-coloured orbs of Snape.

"Miss. Weasley," he drawled, and I thought he was about to throw me in the dungeons for a couple of years, "Ten points to Slytherin, for a well used hex."

Sylvestra high-fived me, and Astoria gave me a thumbs-up from across the room were she was dragging Daphne to the infirmary.


Snapington's POV (i love giving nicknames)

"Okay Pomona, next is... sixth year boys. Where the devil are they?" I said, lookibng around the common room for Malfoy, Zabini, Nott, Crabbe, Goyle and Potter.

"There they are!" said Madam Pomfrey, pointing to a corner where Crabbe Goyle and Nott were sulking.

"Crabbe, Nott, Goyle!" I called across the common room. "Over here this instant!"

They got up slowly and walked towards me with trepidation. Madam Pomfrey led them into the makeshift examination room. I scanned around the common room for Potter Blaise and Malfoy. No sign of them. I figured that there was no use looking for them at this moment. I'll send a student up to get them during class. 

"Severus? Can you come and look at this for a moment?" called Madam Pomfrey from the examination room.

I walked in and saw the Nott was stripped down to his underwear. This wasn't regular protocal? What the devil could she be trying to show me? Then I saw. At first I had over looked the tone of his skin, thinking that he probably just had natrually reddish skin, but as I looked closer, I saw that what I thought was natrural was actually hundreds of scars and scratches. They were all up his arms, on his stomach and on his knees. What happened?

"What happened to you Nott? Did someone attack you?"

"My cat." he mumbled.

"That must've been some angry cat. Not to mention neat." said Madam Pomfrey sarcastically. "Look closer Severus. This was no cat."

I looked closer and I saw that all the scars were straight and neat, not natrual looking. And definitely not done by a cat.

"A very neat cat indeed." I said, trying to remain calm.

"You did this to yourself, didn't you?" asked Madam Pomfrey.

"Allright, alright! I did this to myself. But they're old scars. I swear I'm better now. Don't make me go to counselling!" He pleaded. "I'm better now! No counselling! No!"

"I think counselling would benefit you." Madam Pomfrey said.

"No it wouldn't. It would bring up painful memories that I would rather not bring up. What do wizard counsellours know, anyway."

"What painful memories? I can help you." I said.

"NO! I won't tell YOU. I can't trust adults. They never come through."

"What do you propose we do about this Severus? Should we force him to see a wizard counsellour?" asked Madame Pomfrey.

"I think that Nott would not cooperate with a wizard counsellour, so it would be a waste of time to bring one in. Is there anyway to see how old these scars are?"

"'fraid not. None of them look recent, but that doesn't mean anything. He could be using those healing ointments."

"I definitely think we should keep a closer eye on him."

"Of course."

"So can I go now?" asked Nott hopefully.

"I suppose there isn't much we can do at the moment. Yes you may go."


I hope you guys appreciate the tackiness of the chapter titles. they are SUPER tacky. and it do it for you. and you and you  and you. and you. VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE HARRY POTTER. VOMMENT IF YOU'RE AWESOME!

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