Breaking Innocence

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Healing Harry’s Heart


Ginny’s POV

   I walked out of the dungeons, thinking about my conversation with Zach. He’d asked me if I loved Harry, and I did, but not as a boyfriend. I thought of Harry as a brother, the way I should love Ron. Why was my life so confusing?

  I was lost in thought, and on my way to the kitchens- in order to drown my sorrows in chocolate ice-cream- when I ran into something warm and solid. When I looked up, my eyes met the deep brown ones of Ron.

Ron stared at me, and opened his mouth to say something, but I just grabbed his arm, and dragged him down the corridor, “We need to talk.” I said menacingly, “NOW.” Ron looked like he was going to protest, but then shut his mouth quickly, and followed after me. I looked around, and pulled him into the nearest broom closet.

“Ron,” I said, “We haven’t talked properly since school started!!!”

“I know,” he mumbled, “I’ve been thinking about… us, and I’m not sure what to do.”

“What’s there to talk about?” I asked, “I’m going to break it off with Harry today anyways.”

“You are?” asked Ron, “I thought you loved him?”

“I do,” I said, but I love him the way I’m supposed to love you, I love him like a brother. You’re the one I want to be mine, I want to be with you forever.”

“I know Ginny,” sighed Ron, “but we won’t be accepted!” I said, “The only people who support inbreeding are Slytherins and Purebloods, and even they mostly just marry cousins!”

“Have you forgotten,” I said slyly, “I am a Slytherin.”

“But we’re still siblings.” He said bluntly, “and although it’ not illegal, it’s not exactly the mot accepted thing in the wizarding world to marry somebody who has the same bloody DNA as you!!!”

I sneered at him, “Padma and Parvati Patil. Dennis and Collin Creevey. Astoria, and Daphne Greengrass. Even Fred and George dated for about three weeks!”

“What?!” said Ron, shocked, “Are they all dating?”

“No shit Sherlock.” I mumbled.

“How did you find that out?!” he asked shocked, causing me to sneer at him again.

“Hogwarts has a lot of weird clubs.”

He spluttered, and turned red, “Are you saying that there’s a club for people that are committing incest?”

I rolled my eyes “No, I’m saying that Daphne saw you gawking at me, and told me that they all meet once a week under the pretense of an extra-help-dangerous-plants-herbology-club that isn’t advertised anywhere”

Ron blushed brightly, “I wasn’t gawking…”

“Oh really?” I purred, “Then I guess it's not working.”

“Wh-What’s not working.” He stuttered, as I grabbed his tie to pull him towards me, “My powers of seduction, of course.” I answered, and then I leant forward to capture his lips in mine. Ron gasped, and pushed me up against the wall. He licked my lips, and I opened my mouth eagerly. Our lips fit together like it was made to be, and Ron let out a moan as I delved into his mouth and ran my fingers through his hair. Ron broke off for breath, and I gasped as he moved down to nuzzle my neck.

  I closed my eyes, and leant back against the wall as Ron ravished my neck, but they snapped open again as I heard a shriek and Ron jumped away from me quickly. The door to the closet was open, and Draco Malfoy was staring at us opened mouthed from the doorway.

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