The Beginning of a New End

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I woke up to moving in the house and  crying. I heard someone coming up the stairs and ran into Rachel's closet. I heard muffled crying and peeked through the cracked door. I saw her mother laying on the bed curled in a ball her head in between her legs. I wanted to reach out to her. Hug her, reassure her that everything was gonna be ok. But i knew better if i walked out now then she'd call the police. She'd call me a murderer...after all that was what i was. I got comfortable in the closet and waited for her mother to fall asleep. Once she was in a sound sleep on her daughters bed i snuck out of the house. I went straight for the woods. Dawn was coming and i couldn't be seen. I walked through the woods silent tears falling down my face.

Finally i reached my destination. It was mine and Rachel's old clubhouse. It was a small cabin that had been abandoned for years. We still visited it and it had some supplies in it that i could use. Shivering from my still wet clothes i opened the door. The rusted hinges squeaked as i closed it behind me and looked around. They had sleeping bags and bottles of water in a box on a shelf. The floor was a little dusty but not that bad. I opened up the ancient dresser that we found in there and found some of our spare clothes. Changing into a pair of cut up jeans and a black tank-top i headed out. My converse still squeaked since i didn't have another pair of shoes but i had to deal with it. I knew i had to hide. To disguise myself or i'd be in jail. I went to a small corner store in the bad part of town knowing i wouldn't be recognized. When i finally found some black hair dye i quickly opened the box and stuffed the contents into my purse. I didn't have any money so this was my best alternative.

Once i was back at the cabin i used some of the water bottles to dye my once blonde hair to red. I changed once again into a pair of black skinny jeans and a retro t-shirt. Spiking my hair and putting on some eyeliner I looked in the small mirror we had nailed to the left wall. I didn't recognize the girl on the other side and smiled to myself. This is what i needed. I grabbed a bag from the shelf and began packing. I packed water bottles and snacks. I grabbed a sleeping bag and exited the cabin. Making sure to drop a match "accidentally" at the front door. It caught fire quickly and i knew sooner or later someone would notice so i took off in a run.

This was it. This was gonna be my new life. I couldn't turn back now and i couldn't change my mind or hesitate. I was gonna spend the rest of my teenage and adult life running from every threat and authority there was. It wouldn't be easy...I knew that. But this was just the beginning of my new life.

~three days later~

"It's this way! " Ginger said dragging me towards the club.

In the past few days of living on the streets and trying to get out of town I found myself two states away from Colorado, my used to be home. I had a new lip piercing that still hurt and I had cut my hair so it was a little past my shoulders.

On my road trip I had found Ginger. She was a short red head with pretty green eyes. She had small freckles that were dotted underneath her eyes. She was 21 but still very childish. She showed me how to live off the streets and in this short amount of time and training I had learned to steal, sell drugs, not get caught, the best places to hide, and the best part was I learned how to party!

"Hurry! " Ginger said putting a curly strand of hair behind her ear.

I followed kinda dizzy. I was a little high.... Ginger had given me something to ease my stress. It helped... a lot! But the effects were weird. I felt like I was in a dream and I couldn't stop smiling. Everything just felt distant.


I felt another tug on my wrist and tried to focus. We were at the entrance to the club. I couldn't hear loud music but could feel it vibrating through my converse. Finally the bouncer approved our fake IDs and let us in.

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