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A woman comes into my cell. She's wearing the normal white uniform and she carries a tray in her hand.

"Serina? May I see your wrist please?" Her voice is gentle but the way her hand stays close to the tazer strapped at her waist shows she's scared.

I give her a small smile and hand her my pale limp arm. She lifts the shot off the tray and injects it into my vain. I grimace but don't move, "Will they ever let me leave?" I ask when she cleans the blood off my arm and prepares to leave.

"I -I don't know?" She looks at me startled. I hadn't spoken since I'd been here and they thought I was unable to speak.

But I just refused to answer their questions, they'd never understand anyway.

She gives me a long sad look before leaving. The only thing I hear is the deadbolt sliding into place.

Once everything is silent its as if the movie continues, like I paused it.

But if I could pause it I'd never press play again.

I curl into a ball on the floor as Ginger's face takes over my vision.

A movie...just for me to watch.

Ginger grasp my wrist dragging me with her into the mall.  Ever since she found out her new ability she likes to sit in the food court and listen in on peoples thoughts while we eat lunch.

"Do we really have to go in there?" I beg trying to stop her, but shes stronger than me and yanks me straight through the doors.

"Yes!" She says plopping down at a table in the very center of the room.

"I need to go see Darcy!" I argue but I end up seated across from her anyway.

"We can go see Darcy after we eat lunch." She answers me already zoning out of our conversation to listen to everyones thoughts.

I roll my eyes and ease out of the chair to order. The line to my favorite resteraunt seems to wrap around the tables, and the sound of my stomach growling argues with me.

Fine. My Stomach wins, I walk over to a Chinese resteraunt and wait in the smaller line to order.

Right before its my turn to order a soft small hand brushes mine.  I look down to see big crystal blue eyes starring back at me.
"I love you..." Lily's soft voice fills my ears.

I try to remember a time she visited me for no reason, unless I was using my power.

Before I can even look back down an alarm goes off. I hear screaming farther off in the mall and kids crying in the arcade.

People start running for the doors that are slowly closing.

"Everyone remain calm." a voice blades over the microphone, but its drowned out by the sounds of gunshots.

The lights start to flicker and soon just shut off, that's when I'm pulled out of my trance by Ginger grabbing my arm and pulling me to the ground.

"What's happening ?" I ask her.

"Its an attack. I think they're robbing the mall." she answers in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean by the-." I'm cut off my a gun being deliberately shot in our direction.

I hit the floor trying to avoid any bullets flying my way. Ginger doesn't land beside me though.

I look up just in time to see her hit the ground with blood covering her chest.

Fear. Anger. Kill them. The voice in my head says.

I don't fight back, I don't even argue. The look in Ginger's empty eyes was enough.

I stand ignoring the sound of bullets flying past my head. I raise my hands and shoot out the brightest blue fire I've ever seen.

I hear gasp and shouts but I don't care.

I hear more screaming but this time there screams of agony.
Kill them. Burn them.

Beads of sweat drip down my forehead as the heat becomes too much, even for me.

"She's a witch!" Is the last thing I hear before flames engulf the entire food court, and I'm running out with a ice cold Ginger limp in my arms.

Late update. I know, but I have a lot going on and I just got over this horrible writers block!
Anyways vote and comment below!  I'll see if I can update again! Hopefully soon

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