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Broken glass.

Bloody palms.

Red stains on the light brown couch.

Ross was out of control.

He couldn't handle his emotions when he was drunk. Everything resulted in violence, even just being asked out to dinner with the couples.

When Ross was sober, he felt very depressed. Like nothing mattered. The others hid anything that he could possibly harm himself with.

Barry got the worst of Ross's fits. He came downstairs in the hotel lobby at least four times with a beat up face, fresh cuts on his cheeks, and black eyes. Arin only questions once, but the answer was only one word.


They couldn't leave their friend, thus came the intervention.

They all shared a huge hotel room with three bedrooms. When Ross walked in, he slouched down on the couch immediately. Everyone surrounded him to break any sort of news.

"Ross, we all love you very much, but-"

"Let me guess, I get wild when I'm drunk." Ross snapped back without even batting an eye.

The room went silent as the others stared at each other unknowing what to say next.

"We are going to throw away your alcohol and keep you under watch." Arin said, folding his arms.

Ross stopped moving completely before slowly turning his head up to Arin with a very unamused facial expression. Then his mouth grew into a smirk.

"Listen, buddy, I'll be fine." Ross lied, taking a glance at the hotel channel guide. "I won't do anything drastic."

Ross's smile was very fake. No one believed him for a second.

"Well, I'll sit watch first." Barry said, taking a seat next to Ross uncomfortably close.

"Good luck." Ross says, knowing how hard he can be to deal with.

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