Part 2: What's Wrong?

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Sal's POV

I wake up panting and sweating. As the minutes pass by in the darkness I remember the images of my nightmare. "Oh God... c'mon!" I calm myself down before I have a panic attack, thankfully. My head hurts. Damnit, I'm hungover too! The clock on the nightstand looks weird. Fuck. I slept in my contacts. I take them out and take some pain pills before I start the hot shower. I do my whole routine and check the time again as I put my glasses on. It's 2 A.M. FUCK my life! Well, I'm already up...might as well do something. I head downstairs and hear the TV. Who the hell...? Oh that's right, Q helped me out last night. He must've stayed over. Sure enough, he's awkwardly sprawled out on my couch, with his arm and leg hanging off the edge and the other leg resting on the top. I gently take the remote out of his hand and turn the TV off. He stirs slightly when the sound suddenly stops, but other than that he's fine. I sit on the other section of the couch and watch him. He looks so... at peace when he sleeps. And the position he's in is fucking hilarious. It reminds of when he was hungover when we were pretending to be taylors for the show. Granted, he really wasn't feeling well then and I didn't like seeing him that way. I don't like when he's in pain at all. Ever.

I don't know how long I sat there, but eventually I hear him say "Sal? Why are you staring at me?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry..." I look out the window; trying not to blush in embarrassment.

He yawns and sits up. "What time is it?"

I look at my phone. "Three thirty AM..."

"How are you even awake? You were pretty drunk."

I shrug. "Nightmare. And I heard the TV so I came down to turn it off." I chuckle to lighten the mood. "And I was too lazy to go back upstairs."

He almost frowns at me. "Have you been having nightmares lately? Like every night?"

"No." Not every night... Just most. "You... I know my couch isn't very comfortable. If you want the bed you can take it." Idiot... He's slept over before and took the couch. Why would he take the bed?

"Uh, thanks, but that's your bed. I'm fine down here." Just as I thought.

"Well, you're alone down here..." He's looking at me weird. I'm such a fucking idiot!

"I'm alone every night, except for my cats. Sal... What's been goin' on? You've been this way before and I was always left out of the loop. I want to help you. Please tell me." Oh God, now he's giving me those big, sad brown eyes. They're warm enough to melt ice glaciers.

I sigh and decide to give him at least part of the truth. There's no way I could actually tell him... No way. Nope! "There's..." I rub my eyes. "I really like this person..."

"Ooooooh..." He gets part of it now. He's gone through similar situations. "And she doesn't like you back?"

"Well, um..." He leans over and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Do you need a wingman? Or is she into you at all?" He's being so sweet... I consider telling him, but then I start hyperventilating. "Sal? It's okay bud, you don't have to tell me." I just get up and try to get a glass of water, but I'm shaking so bad that I drop the glass and it shatters on the floor. My knees start shaking and it gets harder to breathe and see. I faintly hear Q calling my name in worry, and next thing I know he's laying me down on the couch.

Brian's POV

"Sal?!" I check his pulse. He actually passed out from this panic attack. He's not breathing very much; just short, quick bursts of air. I don't know what to do other than let him ride it out. And call Joe. He answers on the last ring, sounding extremely tired.

"Hello?" He yawns.

"Joe, Sal just passed out from a really bad panic attack...!" I hear him sigh on the other end.

"He'll wake up. Have some water ready, and some pain killers if he hasn't already--"

"Do you know what's buggin' him? He started talkin' about this crush he has on a girl."

"Q... Brian... I can't tell you..."

Why can't anyone tell me anything? "Joe please. I just wanna be there for him and help him." Sal's breathing is becoming steady now. I feel relieved... somewhat. What's he hiding?

"I know you do, but it's not my place to tell you. And honestly... You wouldn't react very positively. So if he does decide to tell you, please, for the love of God, just keep an open mind. And don't do anything to upset him."

"What, is he gay or somethin'? 'Cuz I don't care about that stuff, I don't judge. But that would be weird that he would hide that for so long."

"Like I just said, I can't tell you. And I'm tired. 'Night Bri, love ya." Then he hangs up.

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