Part 5: Truth or Dare?

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Brian's POV

It's been a week, and I haven't gone back to work yet. In fact, after Murr left that day, I haven't seen anyone, or gone anywhere. Everyone's been trying to get a hold of me; calling, texting, coming to my house... Even Sal called me a couple of times. He was the only one that didn't leave a voicemail. I've been ignoring all of them because I need time to think, though. I'm not really sure what to think or how to feel, but I know I need to get out and go somewhere without the guys, so I decide to go to the bar. It's a Friday night and it's extremely late and very busy; not my kind of night, but this time I don't care. I plan on just getting wasted on my own anyways.

The same waitress that helped us last week comes up to me when I sit at a table in the corner. "Hey Mr. Quinn! I'll be your waitress tonight. What can I get for you?"

"Hey, call me Q." Mr. Quinn just sounds weird. I see her name tag, which says Faith. That's a pretty name. "I'll just take a beer and maybe a shot of whiskey."

"You got it. Anything to eat? And are you alone?"

"Yeah, I'm alone. I'll just take a cheeseburger and fries."

She bites her lip nervously as she writes that down, which I find kinda cute. I take this time to look her over. Obviously she's in her work clothes, which are all black with red trim. It doesn't fit her like the other ladies that work here. It hangs a bit looser on her and actually hides her figure. That being said, she's gotta have a nice set of tits, considering that's that only thing that the uniform can't hide. Her dark brown hair is cut short, about the same length as mine. It looks really soft. Her skin is pale but you don't notice that so much since her arms and face are covered in cute little freckles. And her eyes...holy fuck they're gorgeous. They're the brightest blue you'll ever see, and they look like the sky on a cloudless, summer day. If I had to guess her height, I'd guess she's about 5' 8", give or take an inch.

"You know," she says suddenly, "I get off in twenty minutes..." She blushes. "Maybe we can go somewhere?"

I chuckle. "Are you asking me on a date?"

She turns even more and laughs as she runs her hand through her hair. "Yeah, I guess I am." How am I just now realizing that she doesn't sound like a New Yorker? Or even someone from the Northeast?

"Well then I guess cancel my order." I smile warmly at her. I wasn't planning on going on a date or anything, but she seems like a nice girl. Maybe this will go somewhere.

A beaming smile spreads across her face. "Okay! Meet me outside. We don't have to go anywhere fancy or anything..."

"You asked, you decide." I get up and wait in my jeep. Twenty minutes pass and I pull up to the entrance. She jumps in when she sees me. "So where to?"

"Honestly, I'm not from around here. So it doesn't matter to me. Even just a movie or... Actually, sorry, I forgot I'm in my work clothes."

"Would you like me to take you home so you can change?"

"Yeah..." She has me go slightly outside of the city and gets out. "If you don't mind, I'll walk from here. Sorry but I don't feel comfortable with you knowing exactly where I live..."

Huh, usually the girls I date don't care. I smile anyways. "That's fine. If you want I can come back in an hour or so."

"Oh no, it's fine, I won't be that long. The walk will take longer than changing."

"Okay." She wasn't kidding. She's back in twenty minutes. She's wearing a black tank top with a cartoon character on it, black basketball shorts, dark blue flip-flops and a baseball cap in the same color. And holy fucking Christ do her curves look sweet! She has the most perfect hourglass shape and she looks pretty fit.

She must've noticed me staring when she gets in because she blushes and says "What are you staring at?"

Kay, I'll admit, she's not the hottest girl in the world. But I can tell it's all natural. She's not even wearing fucking makeup. And that's what really makes it attractive. "You look beautiful," I blurt out.

"Oh... uh... Thanks..." She doesn't look like she really accepts my compliment. I wonder why.

Neither of us wants to go to an actual restaurant, so we decide to go to a Subway. We get our sandwiches, chips, and drinks and sit down. "So, what else do you do?" I ask her.

"Well, I'm currently going to school. I'm working on my masters."

"Oh really? What's your major?"

"Music education."

"What do you play?" I take a bite of my sandwich.

She blushes and says in a small voice, "You should be asking what don't I play... I can play most instruments, but my main ones are viola, clarinet, bass clarinet, and percussion."

"Holy shit! That's amazing!" God she's talented. "I wish I could do something like that."

"Yeah, well, I wish I was as good at comedy as you."

"It's not so much making jokes as it is just lookin' real fuckin' stupid." I chuckle.

"I know... After I met you I went home and watched probably every episode," she admits.

"How did you get a hold of that?"

"I recorded them on my DVR, bought two of the seasons, and watched a ton of challenges on YouTube."

"You're in school and work and you had time to do that?!" I'm impressed.

"I can multitask. Actually it's difficult for me to focus on homework if I don't have the TV or music or something else playing."

"That makes sense." We continue talking as we eat. Turns out, she is quite funny. She starts to get a bit more outgoing as the shyness goes away, and I can't help but think that'd she'd be great for the show. "You know what? You're a pretty chill girl."

"Really?" She seems happy about that.

"Yeah. Chill but outgoing and even a little daring."

She laughs. God her laugh sounds amazing. "I'm the master of truth or dare. Even compared to you guys."

I smirk. "Sounds like a, dare I say it, a challenge."

She raises an eyebrow in a way that says 'try me'. "Truth or dare?"

I raise an eyebrow in the same way. "Dare."

She looks around the room as she thinks of a dare. Then she looks at me. "Lick under the table."

Gross...but I do it. "Truth or dare?"


"Go flirt with that guy over there," I say as I gesture to the young man in line. She gets up and starts talking to him. She looks so cute, but for some reason he's being very rude to her. What the fuck? She comes back and sits down. It doesn't seem to bother her that he was being a dick.

"He's here with his girlfriend," she says as she laughs and turns red. "I think that's her over there." I look where she points. Sure enough, there's a girl glaring at us. I laugh with Faith. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." She dares me to go apologize for her, which I do. "Truth or dare?"


"How old are you?"

"Just turned twenty-five." Um...She's kinda young for me to date. Damnit! "What's wrong?"

"Oh, uh, nothing." We talk and joke and dare each other for a while longer, before we both decide we should go home. I drop her off in the same place and start the drive home. When I pull in I see lights on and Sal's car is in the driveway. Fucking shit...


Alright, so I'm kinda just writing this on the spot. If any of the guys do/say something that doesn't seem realistic, please feel free to comment and let me know. Other than Sal having a crush on Q, of course. And I'm more than open to ideas. I know the whole "Sal liking Q" thing isn't new at all, so I need ways to make this story stand out and be unique.

Anyways, what do you think? Please comment and share. I love to write and I love the Jokers, so I put the two together.


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