Part 23: We're Not Ready

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Brian's POV

"You... love me?" I knew he loved me. I've known he loves me. But what the hell am I supposed to say? I'm not even ready to tell the guys that I like him! Even though they kinda already know.

"Yeah... I do." He's looking at me as if expecting something... either me saying it back, or being rejected. I don't want to do either of those things.

"Uh... Sal, please understand-"

"I know you don't love me back," he says sullenly as he starts getting dressed. I follow suit.

"I wouldn't say that!"

"Then what would you say? Huh? That you're not ready to admit it?"

"Well, I'm not..."

"Whatever Q. Have a good night." And just like that, the house is empty again, other than me and my cats.

Third Person

The weeks go by, filming continues, and still Brian and Sal have yet to tell anyone about their little secret. Things remained a little tense after the night Sal told Brian he loves him, but he eventually calmed down about it. Brian just wasn't ready, and as his boyfriend Sal needs to understand that; or at least try to. And, sadly, Brian's illness continues to plague him. He's had many late nights and has had to call Sal to come and take care of him for a day or two on numerous occasions. But he still gets filming done. Even if it tires him out a LOT.

One hot summer's day has the guys filming outside at a public pool; much to their relief. They all need a pool day.

"Hey everyone, today we're filming at Dry Dock, and we're gonna have fun!" Joe says enthusiastically.

"That's right," Sal continues, "we'll be on teams as well, so it'll be even more fun!"

Murr speaks next. "We have to do and say what the other guys tell us, which is hopefully super fun!"

"Remember guys," Q says somewhat less enthusiastically than the others. "It's all fun and games until someone loses the challenge."

The other three guys mimic disappointment as they look over at Q, and Murr says, "Don't be such a downer, Q." Then they all break and laugh.

Murr and Joe are up first. They have to do a lot of stupid shit, such as get kids to sing nursery rhymes with them, then they have to upgrade and get adults to do it while acting like children, and then Q and Sal mess with them and pretend to throw their phones in the pool. They didn't actually do it though; they used broken phones that they got off of ebay. Either way they still got a really funny reaction out of Murr.

Brian's POV

Sal and I are walking into the shallow end of the pool while Joe and Murr are whispering to each other. But all we hear through the earpieces is some rustling. Then Joe says, "Okay guys. Hold hands as you walk farther into the pool, then engage in a casual conversation with that group of hot girls."

My heart skips a beat. Do they know...? No, they can't possibly know. They're just fucking with us. I look at Sal, who looks a little flushed. But that could just be from the heat, so I take his hand in mine; making sure none of the cameras see the loving, reassuring smile I give him. It seems to help him, so we start walking towards the girls. When we get there the water is mid-stomach on us. "Excuse me ladies?" When they look at us I can't help but notice how good looking they are. "Uh, does the water seem a little hot to you?"

"Really Q?" Murr laughs. "Is that the best you can do?" I glance at one of the cameras in a 'fuck you' way; earning me more laughter. "Start hitting on them now."

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