Part 31: Birthday Sex

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Holy shit, 3k reads! And over 100 votes! Thanks guys, you're all great! I really enjoy writing this fanfic (actually I just generally enjoy writing) so it makes me really happy that people actually like reading it lol!

Also, I started a poetry book; simply called "Poetry". If you would like to read it, just go to my profile and look in my works. Hope you like it!

Sexual content ahead

Brian's POV

I'm surprised at myself for suggesting that to Sal, but I sure am glad that he agreed... sort of. It's not that I've never done something like this; quite the contrary, actually. I've had sex with more than one person numerous times. The part that I'm nervous about is the fact that my sexuality is different; well, it's supposed to be.

We were just about to order a cab and bail on my own birthday when people started announcing that they were gonna hit the road, so we waited for everyone to eventually leave instead. My brother Declan was the last one out the door because he really didn't want to book a room at a hotel.

"Dec, I'm sorry, but I've got... plans," I say, all but pushing him out the front door.

The look he gives me turns from skepticism to one of realization and slight smugness when he looks over my shoulder and notices that Tisha and Sammy have had yet to leave the party. "Ah is my little bro gettin' it on tonight?"

I try excruciatingly hard not to let him see the heat rising to my cheeks as I actually grab his shoulder, spin him around, and give him a slight shove. "Goodbye, Dec. I'll see you tomorrow." I blame my rude actions on the alcohol.

"Awe that's too bad, he was kinda cute," comes the voice of Tisha as her arms snake their way around my waist from behind. She purrs this next line of speech into my ear. "But I will admit, you definitely rank higher on the sexy scale."

"Is that so?" I ask as I spin around; her arms still embracing me. Sal's in the kitchen pouring himself yet another drink, but he quickly looks away when he realizes I'm staring at him. That's weird... Normally it's hard for him to take his eyes off of me.

Tisha doesn't seem to like the fact that she's not getting attention, so she not-so-subtly clears her throat before saying, "Yeah. Let's play a game?"

"Ooo! I love games!" exclaims Sammy as she jumps up from the couch. She sure comes out of her shy little shell when she's intoxicated. "We could play never have I ever, or truth or dare, or spin the bottle-"

"Spin the bottle." Sal suddenly interrupts her as he walks into the room with an empty beer bottle and a plastic cup filled with whisky and coke. We exchange a glance, and I know we're thinking along the same lines. We don't know these girls, nor do we plan on getting to know them, so the other games that were suggested were just a bit too personal and revealing for our tastes. Well actually I could care less. Being friends with them wouldn't be too bad, they seem like pretty cool chicks. But Sal cares, and therefore I care.

"What if we combined truth or dare with spin the bottle?" Sammy retaliates, lightly running her fingers down Sal's arm to take the bottle from his grasp. "It'll be more fun."

"Maybe just dare?" I interject when Sal gives me a slight pleading look. Everyone thankfully agrees to that and we move the coffee table to make room on the floor. Tisha volunteers to go first, and the bottle is spun only to land on Sammy.

"Hmmm... Sammy, I dare you to take off your underwear, but leave your skirt on." Sammy blushes but does as she's told, almost lazily tossing her black thong in mine and Sal's direction. It lands in my lap, where I let it stay. As she sits back down she 'innocently' positions herself so that us guys can almost see all the way up her skirt...

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