Part 29: You Need You

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Sal's POV

Months go by, and Q and I settle into a sort of routine. Weekdays are spent filming and weeknights are spent hanging out with Joe, Murr, and other friends. Lately, though, one of us will stay at the other's house for most of the weekend. We run errands together, do chores together, and do absolutely nothing together. We hardly go a day without spending at least a couple hours together, and I couldn't be happier.

But sometimes I wonder if BQ feels the same way, and I'm too much of a pussy to ask him.

His birthday is coming up in a couple days. March 14th. Over the last few years he hasn't really done anything for his birthday. He would go out to dinner with us guys but I think that day has begun to depress him. Whether it's because he felt lonely or old, I don't really know, but I'm going to change that. This year, he's going to have a birthday that he'll never forget.

"Hey love," he greets me as I walk into his house and take off my shoes.

"Hey, how's it goin'?"

"Same as earlier today, except without the filming." He doesn't look up at me when I sit on the couch opposite him. Instead he continues furiously pounding away at the buttons on his Xbox controller, and every few seconds a zombie head explodes. The game grosses me out so I focus on him rather than the TV.

"Let me guess. Tired, stressed, and in need of some booze?"

"Booze sounds pretty good right now, I've gotta admit." I smile and get up to go make us some margaritas. I come back out and set his on the coffee table and start sipping mine. "No, no no nonono NO!" He says really fast. 'You died' is displayed in red letters across an otherwise black screen and he angrily drops the controller onto the couch cushion next to him. "Fuck you too, you mindless assholes!" Half of the margarita is gone as he guzzles it down.

"Babe, it's just a game. Why are you getting so worked up?"

"Because this little motherfucker snuck up behind me when I was fuckin'... fightin'... FUCK!" He's stumbling over his words now.

"Q," I scoot next to him and wrap my arm around his shoulders. "It's just a game. It's not the end of the world." I kiss his temple.

"I know that!" I kiss his cheek, and then his lips, but he pulls away... which really hurts. "I just..." He runs his hands through his hair aggressively. "I need to be alone."

"...Oh..." is all I say before I awkwardly get up and head to the door, but his voice stops me as I put on my last shoe.

"I'm sorry babe... Please understand."

"No, I get it-"

He cuts me off. "Don't get all butt-hurt on me." He gets up and walks over to me as he keeps talking. "I didn't mean anything by it. I've just hardly had a minute alone lately. I love you to death but I need my own time, too." The truth of his words is obvious in his eyes, and I immediately feel relieved and really bad at the same time. I'm glad that he's not mad at me, but he's also not happy, and it's because I've sucked up every spare second he's had like a parasite. "Sal, say something."

My voice is very small because I'm trying to keep my emotions in check. "I'm sorry, I'll just go."

"Babe, please." He pulls me in for a tight hug. "It was time well spent together, I promise. I love you, and I love spending time with you. Please, please, please understand that."

"Are you possibly upset about the special day that's coming up?"

"What do you mean?"

I pull away but still have my arms around his neck. "I mean your birthday." Cue the cringe. "I know you don't like your birthday, but if you're okay with it, I'll make it special."

"What's so special about getting older?" he asks with a depressed look on his face.

"I don't care about how old you are, but your birth is definitely something to celebrate." I kiss him. "And I also get your point. You need you time, so I'll go. Just remember that I'm only a phone call away." With that I turn and get into my car and drive home. I don't like being away from him, but this allows me time to plan his surprise birthday some more. I just need a couple more things, and it'll be perfect.


I'm sorry it's short. The next part is going to be Q's surprise party, and I would really appreciate some party ideas. Sal wants to make it really special, if ya know what I mean. ;)

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