Part 38: Flashbacks

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*WARNING: This part may contain some triggering events for some people. But it is a MAJOR plot point in the story. I'm sorry if this upsets or angers anyone, or brings back bad memories.*

*At the therapist's office*

Brian's POV

"So you saw Faith, and you saw her boss. What happened between the two of them to make them go outside?" the doc asks.

"He yelled at her and slapped her."

"So what did you do?"

"Followed them outside."

"What happened when you went outside?"

*Flashback to St. Patrick's night*

Despite it being May, a cool breeze carrying the stench of garbage and cat piss hits my face. I already feel uneasy about the situation, so that only made it that much worse.

"You fucking slut! You're scaring away customers!" comes a man's voice from the other side of this huge dumpster. I sneak up and hide just around the corner of it when I hear Faith respond, obviously in tears and sobbing.

"I'm sorry, okay?! They're the ones grabbing me! I didn't ask them too!"

"I don't even know why they would do that unless you made it obvious you wanted them to! It's not like anyone but me would actually find you attractive! And don't you talk back to me!" I peek around the side of the dumpster just in time to see him break her fucking nose.

"Hey!" I step out and make my presence known. "She doesn't deserve that! I'll call the fucking cops, you asshole!"

"Q," she gasps. She looks absolutely terrified. "Get out of here! Now! Before he hurts you!"

"Shut up, bitch!" Grabbing her neck, he throws her to the ground. That's when I jump at him with the intentions of beating the living shit out of him. But I don't get far before I'm looking down the barrel of a pistol. I feel my heart quicken and I sweat from what seems like every pore of my body. I've faced death many times, what with being a firefighter and having depression. But not like this.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude!" I raise my hands to show him that I'm not going to do anything. "Chill the fuck out, there's no need for that!" But he doesn't respond. Instead, his expression turns from one of anger to one of mischief.

"Oh, Q, I don't wanna shoot you." His voice is eerily calm, and that honestly scares me more than the gun. "I know you'd willingly give yourself up at any moment. But," At this point he turns the gun to Faith, who's on the ground, trying to stop her nose from bleeding through her quiet sobs. "If you want this little girl to live, you'll do exactly as I say."

She and I lock eyes for a millisecond. Her head shakes, telling me to let her die and run. But I'm not that kind of person. Like he said, I would willingly give myself up; especially if it were for someone else's life. "Do whatever you want to me, man. Just don't hurt her." Before I realize what he's doing, he steps forward and sticks something - a needle - in my neck, and my vision goes blurry at the edges. I vaguely feel myself fall to the ground, and then when my eyes focus for a couple seconds, he's kneeling over me... and undoing my pants?

The next thing I know, he's screaming at Faith again and probably hitting her. "Do it now, bitch! I'll kill him! I'll fucking kill him!"

"Okay, I will! Please, for the love of god, don't hurt him anymore!" I try to move, but I don't seem to have much control of my body.

A couple minutes or more must have passed again because now she's... on me. You know, like... she's riding me, and he's pointing the gun at my face while jacking off.

And the very last few things I see is her being dragged into a car that I can't make out. My pants have been zipped back up, but I still can't move, or think straight. I pass out.

*Back at the therapist's office*

I wake up, and my throat hurts. I must've been screaming. They keep asking me what's wrong, but I just can't... can't tell them. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before, and I don't know how to cope, or feel about it. The only thing I can think of is these three words.

I was raped.


So yeah... I'm sorry, I know this is pretty out of the blue and dramatic. And short. Again, I'm sorry if this part upsets anyone. That was not my intention.

Anyways, do you think Brian is going to tell Sal, or anyone? I know he should, but will he? And what do you think is going to happen to Faith? Is she going to open up to Brian and tell him what the fuck is going on? Does she even know what's up herself? I honestly feel really bad for both of them. This was definitely a difficult one to write.

Please vote and comment. :(

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