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"Thomas... there's someone here to see you." he hears Gally say and they both turn to find the person that they never thought would return.

"What the hell do you want?"


There stood the one person Thomas never thought would dare to show their face every again.

"I'm just gonna go..." Gally whispers, sliding out of the room as quick as he could.

"What the hell are you here?"

"Tom... I'm sorry." her blue eyes plead for forgiveness but Thomas dared not to fall for her schemes again.

"Sorry? You're sorry? Oh that's just going to solve everything, isn't Teresa! You stole the one thing that was important to me! You selfish little—"

"Don't you dare." they both hear and Thomas cries of happiness to see Newt at the door.

"Blondie." he runs to the boy, pulling him into a warm embrace but his heart breaks to find that Newt doesn't hug back.

"Newt..." Thomas looks at the boy and his warm brown eyes don't hold the happiness they used to have.

Instead, they were glossy with tears of sadness. It looked as if Newt wasn't happy to see him. What broke the brown haired boy the most was the one he loved the most slowly walked away from him and towards Teresa.

"You're... you're with her? She kidnapped you... and you're on her side? WHAT THE FUCK NEWT? YOU LOVE ME, NOT HER!" Thomas screams, Newt holding his ears.

"Thomas, leave him out of this!"

"No, why should I? The one person that I thought I knew, rejecting me like that. Why Newt?"

"I want the truth." the blonde says, his voice cracking at the end.

The truth, Thomas thought. Nothing was lies when it came to Newt. He loved him too much in order to lie to him.

"What? Newt, I—"

"Thomas... you know what you did. You need to tell him about me."

That's when it came back to him, what had happened before they all went into the Glade.

How Thomas wiped Newt's memories.

"Newt um... Actually, Teresa—"

"I'll give you some space," she says, giving a small smile before looking at Newt and leaving the room.

"Newt..." he grabs the blonde's hand and they both take a seat on Thomas' bed, a short distance between them.

"What did you do, Thomas?"

"She didn't tell you?" he asks and he shakes his head.

Maybe I can lie my way out of this..., Thomas thought, but there's no use. You can't hide anything from someone you love.

"Back when we were at WCKD... when you went into the Glade, you know that your memories are wiped before you enter?" Thomas starts and Newt nods, allowing him to continue on.

"The day you went into the Box... I was told to be in control of wiping your memories."


Newt knew where this was leading to. He just... couldn't believe that his Tommy would do such a thing. Why would he do that?

"I didn't want to do it. Not after all the amazing memories we shared. When we first met... when we had our first kiss... I wasn't going to let WICKED take that away from us. So—"

"So you just thought, 'Oh, I'll just take every other memory that Newt had!'. Thomas, you made me forget my own family... just because you didn't want me to forget you? How selfish could you be?" Newt yells at him, getting off the bed.

"Newt... I didn't know what I was doing. WICKED—"

"Don't blame this on them. Yes, they've done some horrible things but Tommy... this was your decision. You decided to take my whole life. How could you?" the blonde boy begins to sob, tears soaking his rosy cheeks.

"Teresa, that little..."

"What did she mean when she said 'You need to tell him about me'?" Newt whispers, wishing that Thomas didn't hear but he did.

"She... She was your sister, Newt."

"No... I don't have a sister." Newt gasps but Thomas nods his head.

"You... YOU MADE ME FORGET HER! You little—" but the rest was muffled by his tears as Newt falls on his knees, crawling into a little ball as Thomas, the person he thought he could trust, stood there with no emotion.

All Newt heard was a bang of a door shutting as he falls into darkness.

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