Chapter 5

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"Whoa are you okay Kaytlin? Louis asked.

"Yeah I'm good I just sort of couldn't breathe for a bit there." I said laughing.

"Well that's not very good now is it." Niall said starting to laugh along with me.

We all ended up laughing for about ten minutes. That was until my stomach growled loudly.

"Wow Kay its not even 11:00 yet and you are already hungry!" Liam said looking surprised.

"Sorry, I like my food." I said heading towards the door.

"And where, exactly, are you going little miss?" Louis asked.

"I'm going to get some lunch, duh." I said.

"Well wait for us." I heard Louis mutter as I walked out the door.


"Where are we going to lunch?" Louis asked.

"Okay first of jeesh you ask a lot of questions, and second I don't know you can pick." I said turning around to face the boys

"Well I really don't care as long as there is food." Niall said staring off into space.

Probably thinking about food. Well I sort of was too. I was hungry okay I like my food. Don't judge.

"WAIT!" I yelled. "I have an idea, lets go to the Olive Garden, It's only  a few blocks away, and I love their pasta."

I looked around and all the boys were nodding in agreement.  

"YAY OLIVE GARDEN TIME BITCHES!" I yelled  maybe a bit to loud.

But hey, I was going to Olive Garden with One Direction. And I was gonna make them pay. What? I'm broke okay, and they are billionaires they can spare a few bucks. Or at least some of them *cough Harry cough boots cough*. Yeah you know what I mean. Okay yeah.

"Whoa calm down Kay it's just Olive Garden." Liam said.

"Never say it's just Olive Garden, there is no such thing as just Olive Garden. Your argument is invalid, and that is final." I said glaring a bit at Liam.

"Liam don't mess with the Olive Garden." Louis said with a smirk, that then erupted into a huge smile.

"Haha you should listen to Louis." I said.

"Okay are we going or not I'm starting to get hungry." Niall said holding his stomach.

"Let's go boys." I said, with a snap, in the most annoying voice I could make.

(AN: Okay I'm sorry for the interruption but I love that part^^^. Fav part of the book right now. Okay yay back to reading.)

 As soon as I got out the door I stopped dead in my tracks. How were we going to get there?

"Umm... do you guys have a car or something?" I asked turning to face the boys.

"There should  be someone." Harry said looking around.

I felt really short next to him. I mean I'm not that short I'm like 5'7", but Harry is like 6'2". That's a whole seven inches taller. Yeah I felt short. 

After a few seconds a car came around the corner. Okay it wasn't a car it was a  limo. A white limo with tinted windows. Okay I like limos (who doesn't) but I loved white limos. So when I saw it I basically screamed.

"Oh my god it's a white limo I love these things!" I shouted joyously.

"Then may I suggest you get in?" Louis asked holding open the door.

"Why yes I will good sir, thank you very much." I said with  a fake British accent.

They all laughed at my attempt. Okay so accents weren't my thing. Well I guess to them I had an accent. Oh well. The rest of them got in and we laughed along the way.


Guess who's in  a good mood... ME!!! Aha 'Story of my Life came out today. I've listened to it about 1576928230 times. Okay so not quite that many. Hope you like the chapter.

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