Chapter 6

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AN:(Okay so where were we ummmmm... oh yeah. Okay story time sit down children.)

We pulled up into the Olive Garden. The driver dropped us off up front, and we all filed out. We walked in and guess what? Screams. Great now everyone saw One Direction. Next thing you know about twelve girls come rushing over. The security guards stepped in front of the boys blocking them off. I, being not of importance, stood awkwardly behind everyone. The boys were led off and I couldn't really follow, but then a man stepped up behind me.

"Hello miss I will be your body guard for the day." He said. He sounded really nice for being  a tough body guard and all that crap.

"Oh okay, I've never had a body guard before." I said shyly.

Okay I am a shy person, to basically everyone. Not my fault we can't all be outgoing.

Mystery body guard man started to lead me towards the back of the restaurant.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Luke." He said with a smile.

"Kaytlin." I said. "But you can call  me Kay."

He continued to lead me to the very back of the restaurant. When we finally got to the table the boys were  at I was out of breath. Yeah yeah I know I'm a soccer player I should be able to handle this, sorry but this guy walks really fast, and  he is taller than me and you get the picture. So yes I was out of breath.

"Hey you are finally here." Louis said.

"Hahaha it's not my fault you ditched me." I said taking my seat.

"Sorry not our fault girls have to attack us everywhere we go." Niall said like it was a bad thing. I think a lot of guys would love it if girls attacked them, but I see how it could get old.

"Yeah it's so your fault you are famous." I said sarcastically

"Okay you got me there." Niall said.

"Ha I win, yus!" I said doing a fist pump. This earned a round of laughter.

We talked for a bit more before someone took our order.

"Okay we have to do twenty questions." Zayn said. He really hasn't said anything today. Quiet Zen.

"Okay lets do it." I said in agreement.

"So what do you want to know about us?" Harry asked. Silly boy.

"Really? Wow you are serious. Do you not know your fandom, I don't need to know anything more." I said.

"Okay whatever you say." Harry said.

"What do you want to know about me?" I asked.

"Are you a virgin?" Louis asked.

"Okay first off not answering that you don't need to know."  I said. "Second, what is wrong with you?"

"A lot of things." Liam said earning a slap from Louis.

"Okay then, any not perverted questions?"

"Favorite food?" Niall asked.

"Umm... I'll say chocolate."

"Currently in a relationship?" Louis asked.

"Nope, I'm single."

"Ohlala." Louis said doing the little eyebrow thingy, yeah you know what I'm talking about.

The questions went on for a while. I'm pretty sure they asked more than 20 but no one was really keeping track. When they had finished they knew me pretty well, or at least the things I would tell them. When our food came my stomach growled loudly, getting  a few laughs.

"Okay haha very funny, can we just eat now?" I asked.

"Yes!" They all said in unison.

And like that we were all devouring our food. 


By the time I was done I was completely stuffed

"Ugh I feel so fat!" I complained to no one in particular.

"Well there isn't much you can do for that." Harry said.

"False!" I stated. " I can exersise!"

"You can have fun with your exersise." Louis said.

"Okay I will have fun going  swimming." I said with a smirk. I figured that would get their attention.

"Swimming it is!" Louis said quickly after.

Kaytlin: 1 One Direction: 0

"Then we gotta go back to the hotel." I said starting to get up.


We quickly got back to the hotel. I ran up to my room to change. Okay now I was very happy that I brought  a bikini. This was gonna be fun. I wraped myself in a towel before taking the elevator downstairs. The pool was indoors and no one was in it because it was the middle of the day. I sat down on one of the plastic chairs and waited for the boys to get there. The evenyually came in and I got a dangerously high feels level. You know what shirtless pics do to you, imagine that times 1000. What I was feeling right now.

"H-Hey guys what took you so long." I said trying to keep my cool.

"You can blame that on Harry who couldnt decide what trunks to wear." Liam said.

"Well are we just gonna stand here all day or are we gonna swim?" Zayn asked.

And with that the all jumped in making for  a huge splash.

"Well are you gonna get in?" Louis asked me.

"Give me a second." I said taking the towel off.

I could  feel their eyes on me as I did so. Okay now I was really uncomfortable. I mean I've always thought I was pretty good looking, but not like that good.

I quickly jumped in to make it less awkward.

"Okay so are we gonna play a game or something?" I asked.

"Sure, what do you want to play?" Niall asked.

"Marco polo?" Harry suggested.

"Sure!" I said.


Okay yeah yeah Zayn can't swim guess what the pool is like 5 ft deep I think he will survive. #sorrynotsorry :) okay thanks for reading <3

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