'Home Sweet Home'

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Since that night, I've tried to keep my mind off of that little girl. I have no idea what that was about, but it's been bothering me. I don't think about it too much anymore. We spent two more days at the hotel before taking off. Erik says he found somewhere else for us to stay. I'm just happy to be with Erik. I've never felt so in love with someone before. I was especially happy about our big moment two days ago.
Erik pulls into a private road. I watch with a confused look, curious as to where we are actually going.
Soon enough, I cast my eyes upon a large wealthy house. My eyes widen to its beauty. There's no way we're living here! Erik keeps looking at my surprised face, laughing with a wide toothy grin.
We quickly scramble out of the car and stand in front of it, mesmerizing at the huge house.

"Welcome to our home!" He shouts happily. I turn to him with a completely shocked look and squeal with excitement, pushing him in disbelief.
"You're kidding!" I yell. He picks me up and runs inside, laughing with joy.

       He sets me down and I gaze at all the white furniture inside. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings, a fancy fireplace set in front of white couches, and long curving staircases. Ha, I'm afraid to touch it all, I don't want to ruin anything.
I look at Erik, laughing from excitement.
       "Erik, what do you mean 'our' home? You mean, I'm living with you?" I ask. He brushes it off with a chuckle,
       "Of course, love, we're in a relationship aren't we?" He doesn't necessarily ask me the question, but I answer anyways.
       "Yes, Erik, of course I do. And it's not because you own a huge house now," I joke. He puts a calloused hand on my shoulder,
        "We," he corrects me. I smile and start wandering around with him. The place is absolutely gorgeous. It's defiantly going to need some getting used to, though. I've never been considered so wealthy in my life!
        I was drawn to the big bedroom, the most. After a while, I decided to check it out. The bed was huge! It had a big bathroom and a walk in closet as well. I jumped on the bed and spread my arms and legs out, pretending to make snow-angels. Laughing, I go into the closet and look around. Sitting on a chair, a note read;

       ' Enjoy these new clothes I bought for you, Love Erik '

      I grin in excitement and slip on fluffy slippers laying there. I exit the closet and sneak a peek into the bathroom. It was humongous for a bathroom. I could dance in it, for crying out loud! The bathtub was very appealing...
      Quickly going with my instincts, I strip myself of my clothing and run the water. Immediately to my pleasure, the water comes out warm. I discovered bubble bath mix in the cabinet and poured it in. I poke my feet in carefully, as to my delight, the warmth welcomed my bare body. It felt nice and relaxing against my skin.
      I soak in it, comfortably until the water was nearly full. This is amazing, I think, I really needed to loosen up.
      I turn my head to the door after hearing footsteps. I smile to Erik's sexy face as he enters. Under the bubbles, he sits next to the tub and plays with my wet hair.
        "Enjoying yourself, I see. So I wanted to discuss something with you, but I'll wait until you get out," he states casually. I nod and smile up at him.
        "You sure you don't want to stick around?" I offer playfully. He shakes his head and leans forward.
        "No, love, I'm busy with something right now. There'll be plenty of time for that later." He rejects. I nod half understandingly. He kisses the top of my head before getting up and leaving the room.
         I resume my personal spa time and imagine all the possibilities of living in our new home...

          *                       *                    *

     After drying off and changing, I walk downstairs to find my man. Soon enough, I see him sitting at the kitchen's island. I walk over and kiss his chiseled cheek. He hugs me with one arm, smiling. It's so easy to make him smile now, I thought.
      "Is this seat taken?" I ask playfully. He helps me hop on his lap. I lean into him and examine what he's reading in the paper. "So what's going on?" I ask curiously. He clears his throat before speaking,
       "I wanted to discuss our new lives here," he says, "I think it's time to put our powers away for a while." I nod in agreement. "I was thinking we can lay aside the whole X-Men problem and start settling down together, love."
Oh god, what is he saying?
       "Get jobs, relax, and spend time together. Just the two of us. Maybe even a little more..." His eyes drift away from me. I of course said yes,
"Yes, yes of course. I couldn't agree more. So? What's step one?" I ask.
       "Let us settle down in our new home." He says, rubbing the top of my hand. I smile slightly and take it all in.

     So he's really serious... I'm happy- but... He's not going to quit his goals. He still has Magneto in him, I can feel it.
     I lean back into him, comfortable in his arms. I feel safe with Erik. I always have. And now, he doesn't see me as a student. He sees me for who I am.

      For what I hope I am...

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