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     Lately I haven't been thinking too well of Erik. He goes out way more often, and usually returns late at night. Curiously, I decide to sneak around and figure out where he's going. Erik is a very clever man, and doesn't bother to leave his things around, so gathering clues will be three times harder. However, I happen to have a friend who might know of all this. The rebel herself, Mystique.
Erik had said he shut down his rebellious ways, but would he lie to me? I roll my eyes. Of course he would.
I trot down the stairs and pick up my coat, draping it around my body as I open the door. I stumble in surprise as Erik pushes me back into the house and wraps his arms around me.
"Oh! Erik, I-" He pecks my cheek and then pulls away to drop a few bags on the counter. "I wasn't sure where you were," I say confusingly. He walks past me and hangs the keys on the rack.
"Ah, well, I just went to go get some groceries! I uh bought you that sweater you wanted," he says while going back into the kitchen, "it's in the pink bag on the counter!" He calls from the counter.
I walk over to the table where they sat and opened the pink laced bag. I grin to the fact that he actually went and bought it for me.
"Aww, Erik, thank you! How did you know I wanted this?" I ask while observing it. The tag was still on it and read; 'Seventy-Two' on the price tag. I widened my eyes while looking at it.
"You notice a lot of things when you leave your magazines around, dear," he calls. I smile and look inside the bag to see a nice little perfume bottle inside as well. "I uh liked the scent, so I thought it'd smell great on you." He says as if busy. He slips something into his coat pocket before I turned to hug him.
He hugs me fully and kisses my cheek again. He smiles as I do, and I kiss his lips gleefully. I pull away as he walks up the steps.
"I'll be in the extra room," he calls from at the top of the steps. I nod to myself and fold my new sweater. I glance over at the other bags and sigh as they were simply just groceries. Just like he said.
Something feels strange about him... I think to myself. I rub it off for now and decide to put away my things.

Erik sits in his leather chair reading the paper, as he usually does. I walk by the room while cleaning when I saw Erik in the other living room. I sneak a peek from around the corner and watch him. He doesn't do anything unusual. His fingers shift and I feel my necklace tug just a bit. I wince as it tugs harder, unusual for Erik to do. He's usually so gentle with me.
"What are you doing, (Y/N)?" He asks bluntly. I stumble into the room and fix my necklace.
"Just stopped by to check on you, that's all." I reply nervously. He squints, then uses his powers to shut the door. "I thought you said you were going to be in the extra room-" I start. He stands up and walks closer to me.
"Erik? Are you okay? What's wrong with you?" I ask worriedly. He doesn't respond. I try the door, but it was locked. I back away until I'm against the wall. He comes closer, and then places his hands around my neck, squeezing it painfully. I squeak as he squeezes. Then, while crucially looking into his eyes, I notice a tiny flicker of yellow. Mystique?!?
"R-Raven?!" I squeal. Caught from her disguise, her body checkers back to blue. She loosens her grip and grins.
"It's Mystique," she corrects, "it's been a while since we... talked." I remember when she faked out on Erik. That made me so mad that day.
"Talked? More like kiss my boyfriend," I snap, "What do you- want, Mystique!"
I think about how she tugged me with Erik's powers. Raven drops me and stands in front of my collapsed body. I try to catch my breath.
"How did you...?"
"Use Erik's powers? Oh that's just his magnetic glove that I stole from his hideout." She explains. I think of it in shock. Hideout?!? I was right! I think.
"Hideout?" I ask.
"Oh he didn't tell you? His queen of all mutants?" She spats with envy. "Magneto, is not your little innocent boyfriend anymore. I mean, did you actually believe he would give up what he's been fighting for all these years? What a joke." I look away and agree with the idea in my head.
"Anyway, he set up this base somewhere classified." She says. "But that's beside the point. I came to take what I deserve. Erik's heart." I shake my head disapprovingly as I stand up.
"Well you can't have him. I won't let you." I ball my hand into a fist and glare at her.
Raven has always wanted Erik to love her. Even after Cuba, she's still got her eye on him, and will do anything to get him back. Especially hurting me. But Erik never allowed her to lay a hand on me.
Raven quickly slips past me and grabs my arms, yanking them up and then kicking my back down to the floor.
I grunt and struggle from underneath her. She moves another hand to my hair and yanks on it. I scream, unleashing my powers and making my dark matter turn solid as it whacks her off and into the wall. I stand up and run at her.
        I attempt to punch her in the face, only for her to block it with her forearm. Instead, she slides her legs under me, causing me to fall. She kicks me several times before pinning me to the floor with her foot.
        She makes noises as she fights against my dark matter. She dodges it and runs to grab a knife from the little bar across the room.
         Her agility and skills taunt my powers. Swift with the dagger, she runs at me, but luckily I grab her with my hand made out of my powers. I start to squeeze her with the hand. Her grunts turn into yells as I squeeze harder.
        That's when I noticed, I was distracted from a sharp pain in my side. I could hear the sound of the blade being reluctantly pulled out of my flesh before going any deeper. I whip around and see the real Erik.
         His hand is extended and the blade flies out of my body and gets thrown across the room, nearly hitting Raven. She jumps away and stares at him. She can't fix this now.
          Erik retrieves the knife with a simple flick of his eyes. His hands grip tightly onto it as he approaches Raven angrily.
           "Mystique!!!" He yells. He quickly slashes the wall next to her, intentionally not trying to harm her. Mystique slides down to the floor in shock. She stares at him as he glares into her soul. He's for sure good at that.
           Erik grits his teeth and grunts as he extends his arm once again to slam the door against her body and through the wall. Mystique falls out of the house and goes fleeing.
           Erik searches for my body and rushes to it in heartbreak. His eyes tear up as he looks at my gushing wound.
           "(Y/N)! (Y/N), no! I'm sorry baby, baby I'm so sorry! Can you hear me?!?" He panics. I look at his blurry face and close my eyes....
             It's okay, Erik... I'm okay...

"Thank you all for reading! I'm so sorry it took my ass so LONG! Anyways, I'll be uploading new chapters for ALL the stories in these next three weeks! Yay! Love you all so very much!!!"
                                 ~Your Writer <3

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