Chapter 7- More Nobles...

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If I have any grammar or spelling errors in the story, please inform me in the comments and I will change it. Thx!


"What the hell, Yuu?! You could've killed him just now! Why didn't you activate the curse?" Mic-chan says as we reach Yuu-chan.

Shinoa-san and I rush over to check on Guren-san.

"Yuu-kun, what's wrong?" Yoichi asks.

"Yuu-san..." Shinoa-san says.

"Mika... My family is..." We all looked over at the vampires. Ferid was now standing next to Mika-chan, who was still kneeling on the ground, his hand holding his wound. He had a slight blushing on his face.

"With the vampires...." I finish Yuu-chan's sentence.

"Mika! It's you, right?" Yuu-chan was blushing, seeming near tears.

Mika-chan closes his eyes, lowers his head, and stands up.

"Mika..." Yuu-chan walks forwards.

"Mika..." Tears stream down Yuu-chan's face.

"I-It's really you!"

~3rd Person POV~


"My, what an adorable reaction." Ferid interrupted, blushing. "It's your dear, long-lost Hyakuya Yuuichirou and (Y/N). What a wonderfully destined reunion. I'm almost in tears. So, what would you like to do? Those humans have most likely been manipulating them."

"I'll save them." Mika's face filled with determination.

"From the filthy hands of those wretched humans?"


"But they're human themselves. We vampires were never meant to coexist alongside them."

Mika grits his teeth.

"Ah, how does this sound? I'll take a page out of Krul's book. If I turn them into a vamp-" Ferid gets cut off as Mika turns around and holds his hands at Ferid's neck.

"If you lay even a finger on them, I'll kill you" Mika threatens.

"I'm kidding, of course." Ferid seems very amused. "It's not like you to get so worked up."

Mika lets go of Ferid.

"Shall I lend a hand instead, then?" Ferid places his hands on Mika's shoulders. "I'll take care of the other humans," he points a finger at Yuu and (Y/N), "so you can save your beloved princesses."

I see you've made friends, Yuu-chan, (Y/N)-chan. You guys are too kind. But they're taking advantage of your kindness. The greed of the humans, your so-called "friends," knows no bounds, Yuu-chan, (Y/N)-chan.

Mika grips his sword tighter as the red thorns entangle around his right hand, his blade turns red once more.

Ferid chuckles and draws his own sword, running his left hand gently along the side of the blade. "Shall we get to work? It's time to kill all the humans! Except for Yuu-chan and (Y/N)-chan, of course."

"I hear my presence is required, Seventh Progenitor." A voice stops Ferid in his tracks. He chuckles upon seeing that the voice belonged to the Thirteenth Progenitor, Crowley Eusford. Alongside of him follows Chess Belle and Horn Skuld.

"Oh, Crowley-kun. I've been waiting for you."

"He's..." The squad was speechless seeing that this is the vampire that they had encountered not too long ago.

"I made a little detour on the way," Crowley explains, arriving at Ferid's side.

"Did you come across something of interest?" Ferid always looked for some sort of entertainment. Crowley only shrugs.

"Well, I suppose we might as well call it a day, now that you're here." Ferid slides his sword back in its sheath. "Oh, how about we take them as livestock? Capture the vampire extermination unit alive. Operation Domestication"

"Sounds good to me."


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